LOL on the treats and dogs. Reminds me of a rather long story but here goes.
My friend Janice was visiting friends in Tx. Now at that time in her life, Janice was NOT an animal person in any form. (she now is a certified nut job living with 4 horses, 2 dogs and 4 cats) However, she got up for breakfast and here was the cat standing on the counter licking the butter. Janice said her friend must have seen her horrified expression and she said: Janice, does that bother you?
Janice said of course it did. (Meaning unsanitary!)
Her friend said: Me too. She doesn't need to be eating all that fat.
So anyway, years later Janice said it was finally really funny to her but at the time she wouldn't eat anything the people prepared.
I would draw the line at sharing butter, but I don't think I'd throw out the nuts.