Now to wait!
I just went on their site and saw Z, he is so cute..You are so lucky to have him be your little guy. Can't wait to see more pictures of him.Petra
I just went on their site and saw Z, he is so cute..You are so lucky to have him be your little guy. Can't wait to see more pictures of him.Petra
:eek: you've seen pics! Starts googling FoPaw's website
Edit: Oh my, what a handsome boy!!
Well, being his future new mom, I think he is very special. I may have mentioned this, but out of the litter, he was the first to investigate us. I know that can just mean he is the pushiest, alpha dog, but his demeanor was one of curiosity, especially with my husband sitting in his wheelchair. Once his Dad Sober came into the room, he was on his best behaviour. Sober tended to 'soberize' the group of puppies, a nice trait. The best was meeting the parent dogs. I would tell people that it is absolutely necessary to meet the parent dogs, see the condition and mental state they are in for their age. Of course I realize some people get their new puppies from far away and it is not possible. But if you can do it, take some time to do it. If Kipawa turns out anything like Sober, we will be very lucky.
I puppy proofed 2 rooms yesterday - it was not difficult. Had to move a rattan basket that was on the floor of the ensuite bathroom onto the far side of the bathtub, in the corner. Our master bedroom was perfect. Nothing tempting at puppy height/imagination height. So we are doing a couple of rooms a day.
I saw a nice crate a couple of days ago and will go purchase it. The size is considered LARGE. Sizes are small, medium, large and extra large. EXLARGE was way too big, but the large one will fit a nice bed we have and will give Kipawa some room to move around in. I would rather get the right sized crate now than have to buy a bigger size later.
I am still looking for a litter 'pan' - round shaped and not too high. It's a little smaller than an outdoor garbage can lid turned upside down. But if I can't find it then I will use an existing litter pan we have that has an easy entrance to it (a cut out).
I'm finding it fun to buy toys and goodies, and will wait until Kipawa is here to buy him a little warm, waterproof coat. I have seen some that have velcro that goes under the dogs' tummy. What do you think about these?
Thanks for all of your helpful suggestions!
Exciting news this morning! I spoke to Therese and we should have Kipawa in our home between Christmas and New Year's (we don't go out for New Year's eve.
And Therese has agreed with the name we are picking for Kipawa -
AKC FoPaw's Basenjis Man in Motion Kipawa. The Man in Motion part relates to a fellow very big in Canada named Rick Hansen. He did a world tour in 1986, wheeling around the world in his wheelchair to show people that those who have challenges can do whatever they dream of when they put their minds to it.Also, when we were down meeting Kipawa and his parents, we gave him a soft Gingerbread Man toy with our smells on it. We had slept with it a couple of nights. Therese says he has made that HIS toy, out of a huge selection they have there, and he has learned to squeak it.
The hole in my heart for my Barney cat will always be there, though filled with memories, but Kipawa will bring new joy to our hearts!
Wow, Fran – you've waited so long for this. I'm so pleased to see your Basenji dreams realized!
I went to FoPaw's page and oohed and ahhed over their baby B pictures. Which one is "Z"? They are all adorable.
Wow, Fran – you've waited so long for this. I'm so pleased to see your Basenji dreams realized!
I went to FoPaw's page and oohed and ahhed over their baby B pictures. Which one is "Z"? They are all adorable.
Z is the little man ;) I think the 3rd picture down. We are so proud to be getting a FoPaws puppy! And yes, it has been a long wait, but worth it. Things work in special ways sometimes - my dearest Barney cat became gravely ill with cancer and we had to put him down. On the other side of the border, Therese and Kevin had an early batch of puppies! Sometimes things are just meant to work out when they need to.
So happy for is all working out…can't wait to see more pictures of him.
How exciting!!! You will love being part of FoPaws extended Family…. that includes me.. Kobey was from a co-breeding that Kevin and Therese did with Lisa Hart. Kobey is sired by a litter brother of Sober, so Kobey is related to your baby puppy.
Thanks, Pat. I love knowing that Kipawa has a ready made family out there - I will probably make a Kipawa family tree. We have one for our families (both me and hubby) and now one for the other man in the house!
I'm so happy for you! I've only been on the forums for about a year and am of course no expert, but I've read quite a few of your posts and I think it's just wonderful you're finally going to get your puppy! Congrats! I think Kipawa is a beautiful name as well - is there a story behind the name?
I'm so happy for you! I've only been on the forums for about a year and am of course no expert, but I've read quite a few of your posts and I think it's just wonderful you're finally going to get your puppy! Congrats! I think Kipawa is a beautiful name as well - is there a story behind the name?
Yes, thanks for asking. There is a story behind the name.
In Swahili, Kipawa means "gift". Initially, I had been looking at Swahili names to pick something close to the origin of the Basenji. I found the name interesting (you won't meet another dog called Kipawa) and really liked that the name meant "gift", which he surely will be to us - a little gift.
I chose this name at least half a year ago. As the date started getting closer to us getting him, I re-checked over a huge list of African names, and I just felt that after viewing them, Kipawa was still my favourite - I like the name, it means something to me, and it has the word "paw" in it. :) :)
Fran i am so pleased you will be getting your gift soon ;) You both deserve some happiness after losing Barney.
Malaika's name is Swahili too. I realy like the Man in motion bit of his name, especialy knowing the reason behind it. -
Fran i am so pleased you will be getting your gift soon ;) You both deserve some happiness after losing Barney.
Malaika's name is Swahili too. I realy like the Man in motion bit of his name, especialy knowing the reason behind it.Thanks so much Shelley. It's been a tough time, but I really think Kipawa will be a wonderful dog. I am amazed at how much he knows already, and how FoPaw's is letting him experience so many things, that by the time he gets to us he will be bomb proof… well, that is until he hears our ****atoos!
And Therese has agreed with the name we are picking for Kipawa -
AKC FoPaw's Basenjis Man in Motion Kipawa. The Man in Motion part relates to a fellow very big in Canada named Rick Hansen. He did a world tour in 1986, wheeling around the world in his wheelchair to show people that those who have challenges can do whatever they dream of when they put their minds to it.I'm a firm believer in giving a dog a name to live up to. With that name, I think you have a superb therapy dog in the making! Lucky you.
Congrats on your new family member(s).
Fran, I am so happy for you…these breeders are just the you know, having done your homework to find the right one for you!
Hugs my dear friend. I can't wait to hear your new boy is home. -
Fran, I am so happy for you…these breeders are just the you know, having done your homework to find the right one for you!
Hugs my dear friend. I can't wait to hear your new boy is home.Sharron, at some point I am sure you will hear a squeal of delight that will carry from our home to yours! We may have Kipawa the week between Christmas and New Years, or the first week in the New Year.
Right now, every few days I go out and get a needed item. Today it will be the crate for in the home, and a crate I can put in my car. I need to do a few measurements for the crate for the car, but there is tons of room for the home crate. I need to get some pine shavings (not sure that is what they are called) for Kipawa's litter box.
Also on the list is a round door knob for the bird room (instead of the handle type) and a bigger kitty door (that leads to the garage and the litter boxes). Also want a nyla bone, but have many other toy and chew items. I have been sleeping with the soft toys. It feels oddly comfortable - honestly!
This IS a very exciting time for us. I wish you would all be able to see the joy in my face as I take him for his first walk around our cul-de-sac to get familiar with things. Then we will cross the street at the end of the cul-de-sac and look at the farm animals there. And we have a very long dyke at the end of the road that provides for lots of walking. And then there is around the other street past some houses…. these are going to be wonderful experiences for us and Kipawa. :) And it will be heart warming to bring him to the rehab hospital where my hubby does peer mentoring work now. Animals are so good for people lost in their pain.
I am currently starting to look at puppy/dog obedience classes in our general area. I do not mind driving a little ways to get to a good one. Our vet promotes one they know of, so I will look into that one first.
On a different note, my husband and I are bringing a picture of our beloved Barney to the vet, along with a monetary gift that we are calling the Barney Memorial Fund. Our vet takes in strays and gets them adopted, so a yearly donation will help out with making sure left behind animals can get a better re-start for a new life.
Oh, and then there is Christmas shopping? Yikes!