Just a little vent…
I know your pain - but - my advice is take him out in the rain anyway. Just keep walking until he does something. then when he finally realizes he's soaked and that's the way it's going to be, if he has to go, he will go. When that happens praise him like crazy, then say "in in in" or something like that, and run for the door. Dry him off, give him big hugs, and next time it's time for him, do the same thing. It took a few times for Shaye to realize she wasn't going in until she got her stuff done, but now she just stoically walks along, shaking off the water when it gets too much, and takes care of business when it happens. Neither of us like it, but we both know it's gonna happen…..
Like everyone else has said he will just have to walk in the rain, i know it's realy difficult as they hate it (can't say i blame them). Could you get him a raincoat as well as yourself ?
Malaika wont go out into the garden to do her stuff if it's raining, in fact she wont do anything in the garden at all now as i think she sees it as an extension of the house perhaps.
She has also peed on the bed twice so she doesn't go in there unsupervised now.
Good luck, keep us posted. -
We bought Dolce a rain coat and we take her on a leash in the backyard to make her go. she eventually learned that the quicker she goes the quicker she can go back in. My wife will walk in her in the rain if Dolce needs to poo. Notice I said my wife, I don't like getting my paws wet!
It is good to train your Bs to use a command word to go to the bathroom. I use pee-pee and poopers. Even having a fenced-in backyard does not help as I almost always have to walk out with them when it is raining or if the grass is wet. I have to get them excited, say "lets go, pee-pee and poopers, in the grass", clap my hands and run around the yard. If not, they will just stand there by the door wanting back in. I have one who will pee on the cement patio porch unless I watch her and say "pee-pee in the grass". She does not even like grass with dew on it.
By the look on his face you can tell he is not happy about the walk we're about to take..but he doesn't get a choice :eek: walking in the rain isn't fun for either of us but he's gotten much better about! and the silly looking rain coat just makes me laugh every time!!!! :p:p:p
Here in Oregon, it rains a lot in the winter and spring… it's unavoidable, we walk in the rain. I don't have raincoats for the dogs but I rub them down with a towel when we get back.
Not my favorite thing to do, but it's the only thing I can if I want them excersized and going to the bathroom outside :)
We have a fenced yard, but if its raining my boy refuses to leave the deck. Go figure, my girl who will go potty in the rain is from Hawaii, and my boy who refuses to potty in the rain was born here in Oregon during a winter storm.
Like all good B's Cooper hates the rain.
Like everyone knows we have our fair share of rain in the UK lol !!!! There is nothing for it but to put on our wet weather gear and get out there in it. I've bought Coop a good quality rain coat, and he waits to have it put on and quite happily will go out. As we all know a tired B is a good B !!!!.
I think you have no option but to go out in it lol !!!!!
Omg, Sonny looks sooo upset! lol!
Thank you, everyone. It definitely looks like it's raincoat time.
Yesterday I took him out a few times, but he wouldn't go, and I didn't have the time to sit around and wait forever. I did used to say "go pee!" while training him, but haven't had to since he got in the habit of being let out, peeing, and coming back in without a hassle…that was in the sunny days. I said it a few times yesterday, but I don't think he remembers the meaning, lol.
Last night, he peed on the kitchen floor and then pooed on the carpet. sigh Chris and I have decided that it's back to crate training for him, because he's just holding it all day so that he can do his business while we sleep. We only started letting him sleep on the bed when he was potty trained, and now he's forgetting his training, so he'll get walked before bed tonight, hopefully do his thing, and be in the crate until we're sure he gets the picture that the potty is outside, wet or not.
If there's one thing I've learned from all this, it's that Paco can hold it for PLENTY of time, so there's no reason why he can't be trained to not use the bathroom in the house when everyone is sleeping and unavailable to open the door for him.
Hang in there - like others have said, as soon as he learns he has no option but to go outside when it is raining, he'll "accept" it and go.
Like others have also said, I would never just put any of mine out in the rain and expect them to go on their own - and actually in good weather I don't trust them either. If I want them to go, I go out with them to see that they go - which I've found to be the only fool proof way.
My oldest girl Ruby hates the rain. She will dig in her heels to not walk in it. However, I just pick her up and go out into it and set her down and she knows that if she doesn't move, she'll be standing in the rain - so, which is better…stand and get soaked or walk, poop and get it over with and get inside to the dry. Well, she is smart girl, so she walks - and I get the cold shoulder once we get home :rolleyes:. She also knows that if it is raining as soon as both she and Brando are done with their business, we can turn around and head for home.
Brando doesn't love the rain but he is more accepting of it than Ruby.
Liyah and Ozzy don't even seem to notice it is raining and have no issue with bad weather - unless it is a deluge. Of course, I got both of them as young pups and so they were "indoctrinated" early - Liyah is almost 2 and Ozzy is 9mo. I adopted Brando & Ruby as 3 & 2yo respectively (they are both almost 6 now), so it seems they still think they might get me to change my mind on going out in the rain...lol.
Oh, and none of mine wear coats (their choice, not mine :rolleyes:) and we get quite a bit of rain & snow in Maine.
I accepted about 22 yrs ago when I had a rottie pup who thought rain would melt her that going out in the rain with them is your only only only option. I stood in a thunderstorm one for over an hour. Eventually she learned that we didn't go in til she pottied. Not fun but necessary.
Now I have Arwen who also thinks she melts. At 8, most of the time I don't care if she goes, she can hold. But when she refuses to get off the porch for a whole day, I go out in the fence, lock the side gate so she cannot go back to the porch and there we stay til she is soaked, calls me vile names and goes potty. I have even resorted to match sticking her when she hadn't gone for 24 hours due to heavy rains.
Cara will go in the rain as long as I am out there getting wet too. Such is the life of dog owners.
Lol, I'm loving these stories. I can trust Paco to go outside in good weather and take care of business himself - I'm usually hanging around at home with the door open, and he just sneaks outside when I'm not paying attention, and the next time I look out there, there's a puddle or a pile for me. When it's raining like it has been, though, the door is closed, and obviously the bringing him outside is the whole challenge here.
We'll be working on it, though.
Thanks everyone. :)
Standing out in the rain in the early a.m. until the job is done just didn't work with Gossy – she'll pull, she'll fight, anything to get back int he house. Then I tried waking her up about 30-45 minutes before her normal time (I'm a light sleeper and wake up when it starts to rain) and play run-around-the-house for a bit and by then she really has to let go. Unless it's a downpour, she'll do her job pretty quickly when we finally do go outside -- it helps to hold an umbrella over her too.
Paco surprised us and didn't complain too much last night while he slept in the crate instead of with us on the bed. Just before our alarm was set to go off, he started pawing loudly at his crate, and Chris got up, put him straight on the leash, and too him outside to pee. Success! Then he got to join us for our last few minutes in bed, lol.
Now today it's just a matter of watching him and trying to catch him before he has to go again.
Wow, all these stories sound just like what I have to put up with. I have to go first and drag Link out. Once we're out on the street he'll walk but shake off every 10 feet and look under every car we walk by (city cats are always under cars on rainy days). I don't know what's going to happen next year when I move back east. Time to buy a silly raincoat….
AJ is a complete priss where it comes to getting his feet wet. He hates the rain. I'll let him get by with just a piddle, but if he hasn't dumped the trash by evening, we'll both stay out until he has. He found out the hard way that I can outstubborn a cat, so he's no match. The first couple of times were total gully-washers. We stood out there in it, both soaked like drowned rats, but he went. After he did, I said, "okay, let's go." He dragged me back to the truck.
I don't have a yard for him to be in. We live in this truck. But when he did live in a house, his previous human would shovel a spot so the dogs wouldn't have to wade through the snow. First winter with me, he found out he gets a warm jacket and then stands in the snow until he dumps. I don't care how long it takes…unless it's bitterly cold. He has no problem going in the snow now.
We use the commands: Go potty, Dump the trash, Hurry up, You done? And Let's go! He knows that if I resort to Let's go, he better get going or he won't get to go...and he'll have to hold it.
I think you need to buy some good rain coats for yourselves and Paco and just take him out on your normal walks..
We walk Tillo in the rain. It can rain quite a lot overhere, so we have no choice. And not pee/poo and back home… No.. at least 45 min to get some of the energy out of him.. He doesn't like it, we don't like it, but we all have good coats that keep us warm and sort of dry.
I know for sure Tillo would hate me if I would just put him outside in the rain.. ;)
I'm not able to take him on normal walks in this situation; we're dealing with tropical storm conditions, so schools have been closed for three days and the rain has been going for over 5. I can't walk him on my road because it's dangerous enough when it's not this rainy; I usually drive him to a dog-friendly area to walk him, but I can't drive because the roads are so bad.
So, I walk him up and down the long driveway, waiting it out. Last night was another success keeping him in the crate overnight. Chris woke up this morning first thing and took him outside to pee; second morning in a row where he immediately peed even though it was raining. It's harder to get him do it later in the day, when he hasn't been "holding it" longer than he's used to because he's in the crate - we've resorted to leaving him on an extendable leash on the porch for a length of time before bed, to give him a "last chance" before putting him the crate. He's always "dumped the trash" (love that, AJs Human!) during this time, and I assume he pees, though I can't tell since the ground has been continuously wet for nearly a week now.
Hey, I think we ar? having the same storm here in Santo Domingo. Its been raining constantly for about two weeks now, and its the same with Ayo, except he doesnt pee or Poo inside , he holds it till I take him out when it has stopped raining and find a dry spot for him, he hates walking on wet floor. I try putting newspaper like when he was smaller but he doesn't pee on it. As far as his boredom, I bought some marrow bones in the supermarket and he is happy to spend all day chewing on them!!!
Thank dmey! Yeah, Otto is really having his way with us. :P There are no dry spots around me, unfortunately. At least Ayo holds it until you get outside, though; we are getting there with Paco.
I have to keep playing fetch and having tug-o-wars to keep Paco amused. If he's really bored, I'll put some hot dog bits in one of the dog-puzzle toys for him to goof around with. Plenty of b-500's to go around here, as well!