Lenny has a new coat!
Very nice. What kind of material is that? Looks like it has some glitter or something in it.
Thanks! It's just a double layer of the thicket fleece I could find! It does look glittery to me too - not sure why…
So cozy and nice..he looks so proud of his new coat..
Love the color. So you made it?
Thanks! Yep - I took my 50% off coupon to Joannes and got 3 yards of fleece for about $10. I should be able to make 6 coats out of it. not bad! The most annoying part is sewing on the velcro. I bought this stuff that you're supposed to be able to iron on, but it didn't work on the fleece so i had to sew it by hand.
Did you get the pattern there too? I really like how it is closure on the chest. Please do tell.
Actually, I bought them coats from Walmart or somewhere a while ago and just copied it from that. The coat fit Tayda well, but was a bit small for Lenny. So I made him one of the same design but just a little bigger. Its just one piece with arm holes and a velcro closure, really simple. the hardest part was the arm holes, its not all that pretty from the underside, but oh well. Lenny doesn't seem to care. I can post a pic of the coat flat on the ground later so you can see the general shape.
Yes I would love that..Thank you so much for offering..
Love Lenny's coat, you're very clever i cant sew
Nice job! that blue looks very pretty on him.
Thanks for posting a picture of it for us not so brilliant seamstresses..I will definitely try to make on of these for my cold boys and one girl..
Hey if you want I can trace it onto a piece of newspaper or something and mail it to you… would just need to have the admins pass along your address....
Would be awesome..I will email admin and have them give it to you..
I really like your/Lenny's sweatshirt! I am too lazy to attempt it without a sewing machine :)
For knitters out there, here is a link to a VERY simple sweater that anyone who can knit a scarf with a simple knit stitch can master. It allows for variation/customization with more advanced stitches/techniques as well. My first one turned out OK, I made a few minor adjustments on my second attempt and from then on they have turned out better and better with each one I make.
I use size 9.5 knitting needles and 2 strands of the cheap red heart brand acrylic yarn.
WARNING: dogs who chew can quickly unravel a hand knitted sweater simply by chomping through a single thread! ;)
Here are a few examples…
Hot Rod -
He looks adorable, thanks for sharing the up close pic of the coat. I may be able to make this one, it looks fairly easy! By the way, how is Tayda doing on the protocol?