• @Maya:

    I guess Maya must be related to Kenji too as she and C-Me are related aren't they? 😕 I find this all very confusing! I think Maya's mum Millie and Dunkin are quite closely related… Possibly 😕

    Millie and Dunkin are full brother and sister, but not the same age… and yes, Maya is related to Kenji also (and C-Me too)

  • The photos have caused a great deal of oooh and ahhing here at work. I want that little red girl. I love all the colors but am really drawn to the red/whites. 🙂 But no puppies for me.

  • First Basenji's

    Kenji is adorable! Well, they all are!

  • What beautiful puppies- I particulalry love the red/whites (I mustn't let my tri-colour Miggy hear that!!)

  • Kenji is absolutely adorable!!! You are going to have so much fun with him!

  • First Basenji's


    Kenji is absolutely adorable!!! You are going to have so much fun with him!


    What beautiful puppies- I particulalry love the red/whites (I mustn't let my tri-colour Miggy hear that!!)


    Kenji is adorable! Well, they all are!


    The photos have caused a great deal of oooh and ahhing here at work. I want that little red girl. I love all the colors but am really drawn to the red/whites. 🙂 But no puppies for me.

    Thanks, we are look forward to our little guy coming home. I'll be putting more pictures up once we get him.

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