Sorry to hear poor Milo is still upset about judges, he has always been so good in the ring!!
I do think that our show organisers have a lot to answer for with some of the fear of tables (that this could possibly be?) as mentioned previously. I very rarely find a table that isnt incredibly rocky when im showing my table dogs and even the most seasoned, professional dog will find that very unnerving, and Milo is still just young and a sensitive breed and maybe if that just upset him one time he has remembered it?
I dont know.. But I agree our ringcraft classes here are not always brilliant. I dont tend to take my pups til i've got them confident at home as the classes are more likely to scare them than anything!!
You could always try bringing a table to a show and try to get as many people as possible to make a fuss of him or feed him whilst he's on it? Im forever having to do this for other pug exhibitors who's dogs have had a scare, or for nervous pups, and it seems to work wonders. Im sure the other basenji folk would be happy to help out if they can, I know i would