Our lovely bitch was spayed, last December, three months after her first heat. Since then she has been having a very potent smelling discharge, not bloody, sometimes greyish. She has been back to the vets on numerous occasions since we noticed the discharge (a few weeks after speying).
She has been swabbed (no unusual bacteria found) and treated with antibiotics, to no avail. She has also had a blood test to determine whether there was any uterene tissue remaining inside her but this came back negative. She is having an ultrasound on Thursday and another swab, to look for yeast, this time. She also seems to have picked up a skin yeast infection since the spaying which she is being treated for with shampoo.
Has anyone else had this problem? It is very worrying and I am getting increasingly frustrated with the vet who seems to have no idea what the problem could be. This has been going on for six months now. It is very upsetting as she didn't have any problems before the operation.