Report on my last 6 weeks….>> update: photos
Marianne what a time you have had. I am so glad Jenson is ok i can imagine your blood turned cold when you heard the car brakes and the thump.
Is there no treatment for Kalusha ?, i think our Vets do offer something for pets going senile but not sure what it is or if it works.
I am sorry to hear the Ibizan Hound you were going to import has been stolen, how awful for all the Dogs.
Glad you managed to save the Chicken, it was lucky to survive.
Your walk in the woods sounds interesting, a pack of Dogs and Deers ;) -
thanks Shelley, and my blood stillturns cold anytime I hear a car brake or a screeming sound on the streets, even if I KNOW for sure that my dogs are with me in the house or in the garden….you can imagine that my blood turned cold as well the other day when I heard the truck blow its horn in the woods, but that walk was something indeed anyway, very bizar!
I talked to my vet about Kalusha, they do not have a treatment from what they can assure it works, it is very uncommon here in the netherlands to treat dogs for it , but with more rest she is doing a lot better, so we keep it up that way and see what the future brings for her.
Marianne.. your month and a half has been full of happenings..I am so sorry to hear about Jenson getting out, and getting hit by a car, I know the sound well, Otis got hit by a car when he was just 4.5 months old..horrible, thankfully he didn't get hurt and I am glad to hear that Jenson didn't either, at least not hurt bad.
The chicken story is funny, good girl for not tearing it dogs would've.
I know how hard it is to watch your once lively pup get senile, we just last year had two dogs cross the rainbow bridge due to age and health issues combined.
It isn't easy to see them get old..keeping my fingers crossed Kalusha has lots left to give and get..Take care and stay sane..
You've had a difficult 6 weeks and so much bad luck - I do hope that Jensen is recovering now. I can imagine how you feel when you hear a car braking now.
It must be frightening to have dogs stolen - I do hope they get them back and that you have some success in finding another Ibizan that meets your need.
I can't remember if Kalusha is a Basenji or an Ibizan? If a Basenji, it is unusual for senility to set in at 9and 1/2. Has she been checked for infection - a high temperature can cause an imitation of senility?
At least you've had some amusement for part of the time. I think the rooster must have nine lives like a cat!!!
thank you folks, for the nice words :-)
@ Patty : I will find another "old lines " ibizan for sure, it will be difficult but some litters are born recently so my hopes are on those pups, I just really hope that these stolen dogs will be treated well, but I am afraid not :-(((((
Kalusha is a basenji, last year march she had a major surgery as she had an agressive form of milkgland tumours, in 2 weeks they were there and grown very large, the vet was surprised too, so she needed surgery and she recovered very well and was a complete other dog!! so playful and cheerful and happy. SHe has no infections or things like that, I was afraid it would be a brain tumour but the vet assured me it was not and she could explain me very well why not so I trust on her, and now I am giving her more rest and she is doing much better, I hope she will stay with us for a long time, but we take every day as a present anyway, no matter how old a dog is ;-) with those accidents and illnesses happening we really should enjoy every day together and be grateful for it, and I do not mean that in a depressive kind of way but just how we should take our lives :-))
about the rooster : the next time one of my dogs catches a chicken or a rooster alive I can put it with the neighbours chickens as they told me :-)))) but I think the chance of getting a close encounter in the woods again with such an animal would be VERY small haha
anyway Ibizans are meant to fetch the prey and retrieve it alive to the hunter, allthough most ibizans kill the rabbit by shaking it for a short but firm time. The hunters do not want the dogs to tear the prey apart or damage it too much as the prey will not be suitable for consumption that way. ;-)
SOlar once adopted a duckling by the way, she treated it as her puppy and also started to give milk… was so cute, unfortunately I was not able to keep the duck so I had to bring it to the bird shelter, but I could do that not in the weekend as the people were away so I took care of it together with Solar, but when we brought it to the shelter together Solar was devestated and did not want to eat for a whole week :-((( -
goodness, sounds like you're way overdue for some good luck!
this was the bruising after 2 days….and it went worse! so for a couple of days we called him Jenson "Bruise"Willis ;-)
My goodness, that's a nasty bruise… never seen one that bad on a dog before, but I can see how worrying it would be. I'm so glad your canine family is still together and safe, despite it all.
That's also very chilling to hear about the Ibizans getting stolen. I hate to wonder about the kind of black market that deals in stolen pedigree dogs. I imagine the burglars targeted the breeder specifically for her dogs? Seems like your everyday thief would find it too difficult to make off with live loot!
Poor little guy…:( I'm sorry Jenson was injured - that is quite the bruise.
I've been away so just saw this thread. I'm sorry things have been so rough lately. When it rains, it pours, huh?! Hopefully a string of good luck is coming your way - sounds like you are due some!
thanks all!!
Jenson and Kalusha both have a "rest-day" today, jenson was very active in the woods the last couple of days, so his limping got a bit worse, and Kalusha was totaly confused yesterday, so time out for one day for them both!That's also very chilling to hear about the Ibizans getting stolen. I hate to wonder about the kind of black market that deals in stolen pedigree dogs. I imagine the burglars targeted the breeder specifically for her dogs? Seems like your everyday thief would find it too difficult to make off with live loot!
well the "raterno's"that were also stolen is not even an official recognized dog, only in spain they are recognized as far as I know, and the Ibizans are not of high value there as well as they are quite common type of dog, ofcourse the pedigreed ibizans are rare, even in spain, but they did not steel the pedigrees with them, so we have really no clue why they have been stolen and it really looks like they knew what they were after because they targeted this breeder indeed.
It makes it even worse that these 2 male ibizans were from their last litter, they are older people and did not want to breed anymore and now these last pups are stolen :(