Scott -UK Basenji registrations have been falling over several years - indeed before any concerns had been raised about Fanconi. These concerns mainly arose when some people became more involved with the USA and realised what a problem there was over there. Fanconi syndrome has occurred in the past but not to a great extent. However carriers must have existed, one assumes, and without the syndrome frequently appearing. I obviously have bred carriers without any idea until the test has now shown that Nakura is a carrier and so her parents or at least one must have been a carrier. (I am now testing my senior dogs - not sent the swabs yet!) Most of my dogs have led long natural lives with few visits to the vet other than routine. One of the exceptions unfortunately was Nakura's mother but her death was related to her pregnancy). Hence the puzzle and I'm always amazed that people are not more concerned with the 'why' or 'how'.
Back to WELKS - there have generally been lower entries in Basenjis there compared to other major Champ shows even in the days of larger numbers bred. (Incidentally, I can remember when there were more Basenjis at Open shows than Beagles!!)
Basenjis have not been a popular breed in this country for some time although there have been peaks and troughs. Breeders are normally quite concerned about homing puppies and so no point in extensive breeding.
For some years now we have (for some reason) not had our tickets reduced but we all knew that this had to come. We have been very lucky as some of my friends in other breeds with much higher registrations have fewer tickets and always have this gripe with me. We have been accused of having friends in the KC!!!!
I hope that numbers are on the up but also hope that prospective homes increase! I presume that now all breeders will be endeavouring to have clear puppies not just a couple! Hopefully any way. There surely can now be excusesd for this not to be?