Sent off Swab…
Glad she behaved. I had no problem with doing Belle and like you thought she would try and eat it:rolleyes: but no she just let me do it without a problem. It was so much nicer than having to do the blood draw like I had to do with Kwame.
It took mine about 3 1/2 weeks to get the results back. Good luck with the results.
Good luck with the results Jess.
I just had visions of Maya biting the spongy bit off it - she kills all of her toys and shreds them to pieces so i wouldnt put it past her at all :D And she can be a wriggler, she hates bath time, or any grooming time and its so hard to keep a wriggly basenji still lol So i was very pleased with her! I think she thought i was brushing her teeth :D
Fingers crossed though, being from two clear parents i hope she does come back clear but i know its not guaranteed so will be keeping everything crossed for the next few weeks!
Yes the wait is the hard part. Good luck. OFA rec'd Jaycee's on 14th July and sheet says it was done on 23rd July and I rec'd it on 29th of July. I live close enough that it only takes one day travel time. Yesterday I had just checked the website and nothing our mail came so I got up and got the mail and there is was.
Rita Jean
Congrats that is off in the mail. Otis was Ok with the swab as well, I did it right as he woke up..the waiting is the worst part. I received my info in the mail and I think it said on ofa's website that it will be a week or two after that when the results will be case they spelled something wrong so it can be caught before everybody else sees it. Good Luck Maya and Jess, it will be here before you know it..
I've sent it by a faster post than normal so it should get there by monday as, although it says the sample is fine being posted, i dont want it to take too long :D
How can you find out when they have recieved it?
Its complicated (for me at least!!) but better for the dogs than a blood test i suppose. Maya is such a princess she'd probably make a terrible fuss about a blood test, not that i blame her as i have a major phobia of them :D
Now, just gotta sit and wait and keep out fingers and paws crossed for the next few weeks!
We took seven dogs for blood test when we did it! I wish we could have had the swabs then! It cost us ?65.00 just to send it but at least we could track it!
The only way you will know that they have received it is if you e mail or ring them I would imagine (I am only guessing)
I look forward to you receiving your prob clear result in a few weeks time!