Throwing toys
Brando is big on throwing his toys! :D:D And actually, he'll throw the ball for Aaliyah. I'll throw the ball, he'll fetch it, but then Aaliyah usually wants it when he's bringing it back to me…so he'll throw it for her. It is really cute! She won't throw it back to him (even though he is waiting and wagging his tail)...she runs with it and so a B500 ensues. :D:D
At Christmas time, Brando has a big Planet Dog gingerbread man that he LOVES to throw...thing with that is that he really flings it hard...he can be in the living room and hit you with it in the kitchen. The gingerbread man is a big hit around here. :D:D
Otis does the same thing, throwing his toys or marrow bones (read rock hard missiles) way up in the air, over and over again, until he settles down to either chew on it or pass out. It is very cat like in my opinion, at least my three cats I have had through the years used to do that, the cat we have now even does it when she catches a mouse in the chicken coop, throws it into the air like she is playing with it, when it won't move anymore ('cause she done killed it!) she leaves it on our backdoor stoop…thanks!!
That is the one thing, on top of cleaning themselves like cats, that makes B's very cat like. IMO. -
Chance does a strange kind of reverse fetch. He picks up the ball and throws it at me then I have to pick it up and hand it back to him. This will continue for a while until he gets bored and goes of to play with something else.
Medjai does the same reverse fetch. Usually he'll roll the ball over to me with his nose. It would be horribly cruel, but I think he'd love to have his own pet hamster with a hamster ball, but I have gotten him the electric wiggle balls before. $26 and 3 days later, I'll just stick to the cheapest toys I can find that are made acceptably to me. He has so many toys and just doesn't like playing with the old ones except for when I get him a new one.
Keoki LOVES throw stuffed animals and then chase them. It's so funny to watch.
Tillo loves this as well, but I think he does it to make clear to me it's time to play some tug of war :D
Mine have all done the toy toss when pretending the toy is prey - violently shaking it then toss it in the air. Gossy is the only one though who has ever brought her toy to me to toss for her - and then only for a few times - I guess I don't toss it correctly :)
Medjai did that with a beanie babie, but when told to "be nice" he puts it down, picks it up nicely from the back and carries it off to his bed as if it were a puppy. He's never been the slightest bit rough with any live puppies we've met, so I'm happy he knows the difference from stuffed animal and real puppy.
So cool to read al the story's!
We sometimes need a helmet when they "trow" their heavy toys… hahahaha
They love it to trow with their toys and can play by themselfes for minuts..
Sometimes they yodel when a toy land on our head, or on another of the dogs... hahahaha -
That's how it is at my house when Brando throws the gingerbread man…ha, ha, ha :D:D:D:D
:D And the breeders keep telling us… B's are not dangerous!!! hahahaha