What do you do…?
This is a cool thread, it's fun to see what everyone does for a living!!
I am also in education, during the school year I teach 7th grade social studies and language arts, and in the summer I teach a cooking class to K-1 students. I especially love the summer job, it's only a month long, half day, and lots of fun! It just ended last week, so now summer can officially begin:P I plan to spend my last six weeks of freedom reading, sitting out on my deck, and getting ready for next year. We are having a baby in January, so I want to get as much done to prepare this summer as I can! Now if only the fatigue would go away so I could make the most of my time…:P -
why does everyone else have such interesting lives? I have a real conversation killer of a job - commercial insurance broker. Just one of those types of job you fall into when you leave school/college - but it pays well and lets me waste my money on dogs and dog shows! Just recently got promoted to manager of our office corporate team, so pretty busy at moment. I live with my o/h of 16 years John, who is in the construction trade. Dogs and dog shows- particularly dobermanns and now basenjis - have been my main hobby all my life - i hit the big 40 this year. Apart from dogs, we enjoy eating out (as our waistlines testify) - decent malt whisky, and gardening.
I never have seen this tread!
I own a transport company with my husband and a ship.
We transport material and bulk from one place to another, so we see a lot plaeces in Holland, Germany and Belgium.I also do some service work in de animal world, I am a (how do you call it in English?) feeding adviser for dogs and cats.
I only do that for fun now, with the little free time I have left besides the ship.
Also we do some service work with the B's, Buana is a service dog and helps people and children with dogfear.I'm a French student also! Well, I follow a study for the French languages (I spoke French better than English when I was younger, I have a lot of french family)
I recently stoped the study for a while because of my pregnancy.
We also are busy with our horse plans, a bit of research and getting back into the horse world.My hobby's.. :D besides the B's..
- I like to sport a bit, I always did Kung-Fu, now I can't practise the trainings I keep up my technique and playfight a bit with Kas my husband :D
- Walking and photography is also a big hobby of mine
- And a big passion of me is the Czech. Wolfdog! I just started to roll into their world..
We don't have plans having one in the near future but I am crazy about them!
We expect the Baby at the end of September (due date is 2 October but we think it's going to be end of september)
After three months pregnancy we started with the baby stuff, so the dogs could be used to everything step by step (we and our dogs… they are our lifes) so at this time, we have everything complete.. There is nothing we have to do or have to buy untill it's born.That's sort of my life :D
I am an Autism Specialist for a large school district in MN. I work with teachers (both general education and special education) to figure out strategies to teach students who are on the spectrum. I do all the elementary assessments for special education if Autism is a possibility.
I have raised and showed basenjis since 1983 - after my first basenjis (purchased where I shouldn't have)was hit by the UPS truck. The basenji I got had to be shown - so …....
I am the President of the Portuguese Podengo Club and imported the first Grande size Podengos to the US as well as the first litter.
I have 3 adult children who appear to be gainfully employed at this moment - and hubby who lucky for me has his own expensive hobby so not much he can say about the dogs! :)
This is a cool thread, it's fun to see what everyone does for a living!!
I am also in education, during the school year I teach 7th grade social studies and language arts, and in the summer I teach a cooking class to K-1 students. I especially love the summer job, it's only a month long, half day, and lots of fun! It just ended last week, so now summer can officially begin:P I plan to spend my last six weeks of freedom reading, sitting out on my deck, and getting ready for next year. We are having a baby in January, so I want to get as much done to prepare this summer as I can! Now if only the fatigue would go away so I could make the most of my time…:PCongrats on the baby!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer…and don't work TOO hard...now is the time to relish being 'child free' :)
I have 3 adult children who appear to be gainfully employed at this moment - and hubby who lucky for me has his own expensive hobby so not much he can say about the dogs! :)
I love this part….where can I get an expensive hobby for Tim?? His hobby is cheap, but space consuming...and does generate some income...so I really have no ground to stand on with the dog hobby ;)
I have the most boring job i think, compared with everyone here. I work for Local government as a Quality Project Officer! Yawn, all that means is i check or audit folk's work. Have done various Admin stuff over the 29 years of work, nothing interesting, just did enough to pay the bills and allow my indulgence, i.e. pets. dogs, cats, birds, fish, whatever we could fit into the house.
Hmm. Just found this thread.
I'm a mixed bag =) I love to travel (I want my next big trip to be Antartica), came over to Europe in 2006 for university and then never went home. Something about the French language got it's hooks into me ;) I studied Environmental Sciences, and minored in Green Urban Development. I went into the private sector for a while back in Switzerland and am now doing some contracted work as well as teaching English to kids because I enjoy it =) This fall will lead me back to Uni to finish a double major with Psychology (I will be rounding that out with a Masters in Human Sexology), and I'm quite thrilled to be a student again =)
Outside of being a B slave to my girl, I love to ride horses - I've been an equestrian since before I could walk. As well, I am a published writer and enjoy writing poetry in Frangais. I'm never with out a book, not ever. =) Currently in a deep Oscar Wilde & Colette phase. My next "hobby" will be to go down to Grasse for a summer and start taking courses on perfume, I'm really excited about learning the chemistry that makes up a fragrance.
Lauren, I went to Grasse back in -88 asa teenager and oh my, what beautiful town..I loved it and all its perfumes..great hobby to aspire..
This for sure is the nut house. I do accounting for truck drivers done for 18 years and home day care also done 18 years and take care of my grandmother who is 91 years old. I do all accounting and ordering for my husbands shop (automotive repair). If that is not enough I have a 18 year old daughter and as of Sunday my son will be 13 another teenager sure am gald neither one was twins I may have run away. We then have the dogs and the bird. My daughter and I are doing online college together not want I wanted to do but if I do it I know she will and I do want her to have a better and good life. I going to be to old to do the college thing again with my son.
By way Basenjimamma you would love my car (SAAB) I liked it better than my BMW. We took it to St.Louis and back and I got 29.2 mpg I like that.
Rita Jean
I have the most boring job i think, compared with everyone here. I work for Local government as a Quality Project Officer!
TheresaTheresa, i think we tie in the boring job department. its probably a good thing we have basenjis to keep our brains active!
Schouiffy, would love to read some of your franglais poetry - i used to do a bit of writing too, had a couple of poems published, and used to write sketches for a local comedy theatre group. Havent done that for years though - the closest i get to it now is the job of writing funny ditties for the inside of workmates birthday cards lol.
Yes Scott, there seems to be lots of people with really interesting jobs. It must be nice when someone asks what you do and then they say..really, what a fab job! I never had any idea what i wanted to do so just drifted into the more traditional office type thing. Never mind, better to have at least done something and at the end of the day, somebody has to do the boring jobs don't they :-)
Whether the job sounds boring or interesting isn't important. If you're one of the lucky few who get up in the morning and looks forward to doing your job and works with people you actually enjoy having around, that's a GREAT job:)
(Of course coming home to the dogs is always the best part of the day:D)
I work at the post office, sorting and taking mail out to my customers.
I am lucky to have a Rural route along the Hood Canal…where I can see subs and many
marine transports.
I don't mind the work, if the bosses would just leave us alone...but they just can't. sigh -
I work on a Quarter Horse Breeding Farm.We breed Appendix and straight Quarter Horses.They are all Hunter under Saddle horses and I do all the ground work with the young horses.Handling when they are just foals and then working with them to get ready to be broke to ride.
It's alot of work as I also do all the barn work as I'm also the farm manager.
If that wasn't enough I also work at my friends poodle kennel 2x a day,helping with kennel chores and grooming.Then I also dog sit for 2 JRT everyday,(I just let then out)there dad works 3-11 shift and they need to get out before then.
Then I come home and take care of my crew of B's.
I wish there where more hours in a day!Kathryn D. Ladick
Jaroufa Hounds -
I do agree that it isn't just about the job you do but also the people you meet every day, be that going to work on the bus or the folk you work with. I would go mad if i stayed at home all day. I have a 19 year old daughter who is studying to be a microbiologist. I also need to work to keep her at university :-)
I'm a customs co-ordinator for a trucking company at the Queenston-Lewiston border crossing 5 days per week. I also groom 4 days a week right now. Plus I have 3 adult children at home with the husband and 5 dogs, 2 cats. I also have a grandson I take care of every other Sunday. Count in editor for the BCOC newsletter as well as researching various things. So I am left with very little time.