? About Another Dog
Basenji Owners Manual
Start your puppy out right with the guide that every Basenji owner should have!We took a couple dozen Basenji experts and fanciers and found out what they would like to see in an ideal guide. The result is this concise, yet thorough, 50-page illustrated book now in its fourth printing. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned Basenji owner, you will find this a valuable reference. The Basenji Owners Manual is used by many breeders as a cost-effective way to educate prospective Basenji owners — an educated owner is a happy one! Published by the Evergreen Basenji Club.
Topics include:
First Aid
Show Training
Breed Standard
Indexed & referenced
…And much moreThe EBC Basenji Owners Manual published by the Evergreen Basenji Club. Copies are $8.00 each plus $2.00 each copy for postage and handling. To order, send a check (US funds only please), payable to the Evergreen Basenji Club, for the desired number of copies to:
Basenji Owners Manual
P.O. Box 1601
Duvall, WA 98019-1601If you have questions regarding ordering the manual, please contact: doopub@drizzle.com
Compiled by the Evergreen Basenji Club Program and Education Committee. All proceeds go to the operation of the Evergreen Basenji Club, a non-profit organization dedicated to the Basenji.
I sent them an email thanks. I am not comfortable with sending check through mail, so I asked if there was another way of paying.
I want to tell you that you do NOT get chances to 'do over' typically with this breed - it is very much easier to start right from the beginning than to try to redo or fix. Call it puppy socialization to your mom instead then she can work on some one-to-one stuff too. Anyone that has a basenji or any training center that has worked with them will tell you - this is a unique breed and they will not respond in a way you expect.
You have to decide though - to let your mother with her undersize poodle train this dog in spite of having no real experience - or believe us heck between tanzia and I alone I think there's 50 years of experience there - factore in Lisa and Robyn etc and we might even be over 100. I'm pretty sure we do know what we are talking about.
And something else to consider - is your mom up to date with the latest training methods? Training has changed a LOT in the last 10 years or so. I'm always trying to get more info on training. I've put over 20 titles on one basenji and I'm still trying desparately to learn new/better ways of doing things for my 2 year old.
I sent them an email thanks. I am not comfortable with sending check through mail, so I asked if there was another way of paying.
The Basenji Club of Southern Wisconsin has a book too. You can get it on their website and pay with Paypal if you are more comfortable with that. Similarly, I think it was developed with the help of people long-familiar with basenjis. I have not read the one that Sharron is recommending so I can't compare the two but the topics of discusion are similar. Go to online shopping to pay for it versus filling out the form. http://www.bcosw.org/
In my opinion I would bring the pup to class . I have always said i regret not taken phoenix in when i got him {9mths} I did go to puppy class with Denver my r+w and it made a BIG, HUGE difference. Not to mention ur getting a Tri . I say instead of TRI standing for three colors {what it really means in basenji owners is .. TRY NOT TO LOSS UR MIND } LOL
In my opinion I would bring the pup to class . I have always said i regret not taken phoenix in when i got him {9mths} I did go to puppy class with Denver my r+w and it made a BIG, HUGE difference. Not to mention ur getting a Tri . I say instead of TRI standing for three colors {what it really means in basenji owners is .. TRY NOT TO LOSS UR MIND } LOL
Haha that's funny. I am going to get the books, and my mom is up to date w training… I saw petsmart has training, and my friend did it and it worked out well. Also the humane society by me doesnt start until late march. that seems too late...
Interesting thing about TRI's… ggg... I think the bitches are far more "tri-ing" then the boys... or maybe they are just smarter.... I always tell people that the "Girls have an agenda and the Boys don't have a clue"..... and that goes for all colors....
So basically I'm in for some 'fun' with a tri, and him being a boy? Lol
I perused through the BCOSW site. If you click "breeders" you'll see many have websites. There is a wealth of info in them.
This one - http://www.arendahlbasenjis.com/basenjis.html has some critical information about safety - all very important points. Scrolling down, there are sights about Basenji health.
All good reading material for planning cuttipie732. It's fantastic that you're doing your homework - bringing home the puppy will be the final exam. Good luck!
The Basenji Club of Southern Wisconsin has a book too. You can get it on their website and pay with Paypal if you are more comfortable with that. Similarly, I think it was developed with the help of people long-familiar with basenjis. I have not read the one that Sharron is recommending so I can't compare the two but the topics of discusion are similar. Go to online shopping to pay for it versus filling out the form. http://www.bcosw.org/
I just went to it, and it sent me to a form. All I saw was that you could pay paypal for memberships… and other things, but not purchase books.
I perused through the BCOSW site. If you click "breeders" you'll see many have websites. There is a wealth of info in them.
This one - http://www.arendahlbasenjis.com/basenjis.html has some critical information about safety - all very important points. Scrolling down, there are sights about Basenji health.
All good reading material for planning cuttipie732. It's fantastic that you're doing your homework - bringing home the puppy will be the final exam. Good luck!
Thank you very much for the info. I will definitely look into it. Also thank you for the compliment. I don't mind it, it's only more homework! Since I am a college student. lol
Good news my mom is into getting him into puppy training. Talking to them now. :)
I just went to it, and it sent me to a form. All I saw was that you could pay paypal for memberships… and other things, but not purchase books.
It is all the way on the bottom, I was looking to buy it myself and found it below all of the membership information, it was the last thing you could purchase.
Ah ok must have missed it thanks! I just bought the book Basenji: Complete… ect at borders the guy didn't even know what a basenji was! Haha
If you don't mind my asking (and absolutely no offense meant) - why is your mom so hot on doing the training (whether she does it herself or she takes the pup to class)? You've done a lot of homework on the bred but how informed is your mother about basenjis?
It's been my humble experience that the person doing the training/socialization with the dog (whatever breed) forms a bond with that dog. Are you living at home and so your mom wants to have control of the situation when you're not around? If this is your dog, you need to have the primary bond with it.
We took Dash to Animal Care Unlimited for puppy socialization. It was inexpensive and worth it! Personally, I think the puppy socializtion classes are THE MOST important class you can take you dog to. Not to mention you get to see so many other pups. Probably not B's in this are though. You are always welcome to bring the pup over to our house for play time. Our Dash loves friends. We are on the north end of Columbus. are you far? You can PM me privately if you are interested.
Hey Jennifer pm sent. I think lol. Still learning.