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Tayda and Lenny pics

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  • Tayda is 5 years old and Lenny is just over 2. Everyone thinks Tayda is a puppy though since she's so tiny…

    So there are 4 basenjis that are at the dog park regularly. My two, and two other owned by a couple. Its so fun when they all get running around the park doing the B500. Usually other dogs will join in but the B's are usually at the front! There is a set of poodles that gets in on the fun periodically and usually they can get in front of the Bs... but hey.. their legs are like 5 times longer so I guess thats all right. :)

  • @LiveWWSD:

    I love the second picture. "And what am I supposed to do with this mamoth…I thought this was a dog park?" :D

    Its so funny you say that. Everyone always jokes that when there is some dog wrestling going on, Tayda gets right in there, but doesn't do anything… just stands there close by...

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    Just thought I'd post some recent pics from Tayda and Lennys adventures at the dog park…

    The last pic is of a B-girl named Cloe that also frequents the dog park. The little boston terrier kept humping her and after multiple attempts on her part to tell him to stop...finally she turned around and REALLY let him know it wasn't all right... it was such a priceless moment! I love the look on his face

    I have just the opposite problem. When my Basenji puppy Roo wants my Boston's attention, he will nip her in the butt and she will turn around and go after him.


  • Very nice pictures! The last one is just too funny!!

  • Cute pics…. what d-park do you go to?

  • The Ossining Dog Park… it has its own website...

  • Great photos.
    Wow, you must have been ready to get the *telling off *shot.

  • The expression on that Boston's face is priceless.


  • i can't take credit for taking those photos myself. there actually is a dog park photographer that takes pics every day and uploads them to his website…. he took them! its so fun to browse through and see all the dogs expressions...

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    i can't take credit for taking those photos myself. there actually is a dog park photographer that takes pics every day and uploads them to his website…. he took them! its so fun to browse through and see all the dogs expressions...

    Ok.. Now I'm jealous.. You guys have dog parks AND dog park photographers??? That's just great! :)

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