Is this my spot?
That is so funny! Jack figured out how to move the footstool in the kitchen to get better access to the trash and countertops. You gotta love these dogs!
Wow has he gotten big! It's amazing to think of Dallas & Nike when they were still so tiny! Haha.
Cute cute picture. Trixie loves food also, just not her own! She would much prefer to eat what her humans are eating! She gives it a college try every evening! We have learned to ignore her!
Poor Nike. It's so hard to get good service any more.
Oh Gosh yea. I have one outside on the porch because when charlie was younger he would try to climb up on it. He was never bad like Zaire is at the dinning room table so I haven't switched over inside, but the cafe style deck table totaly keeps Charlie and Zaire from even getting onto the chairs. I LOVE IT!!!!!!