Well, she is 8 mos old and one ear up sometimes, the other rarely and neither really firm. LOL I have a defective-eared Basenji. All the adults though have ears up so maybe. She is so perfect personality wise. I just find the ears funny.
Monstrous Lilu! :)
Update: She is 21.5 from withers and she is 48lbs, loves our new kitty Nora and is somewhat gentle with her. I am actually more afraid for the dog than I am the cat haha
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Oh Gosh yea. I have one outside on the porch because when charlie was younger he would try to climb up on it. He was never bad like Zaire is at the dinning room table so I haven't switched over inside, but the cafe style deck table totaly keeps Charlie and Zaire from even getting onto the chairs. I LOVE IT!!!!!!
my husband and i say say the title of that song ALL the time-- in our 'basenji voice' :)
so funny!
--Men at Work
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