"Benny" and "Groovy"
On 11/19/2007, my beloved "Benny" lost his battle with Fanconi Syndrome. He had done so very well for nearly two years and this last month just went on a downhill slide.
"Benny" was a well-decorated basenji…. with four Specialty BIS wins... two BIF wins.... and national specialty AOM.... as well as making it on the Stud Dog Honor Roll from one litter of puppies.
He was my true 'everything' dog and was one of the best ambassadors to the basenji breed. His loss has left a huge hole in our family, as well as to those that knew him even a tiny bit.
"Benny" was also known as:
MBISS SBOS BIF SBIF Am DC Can CH Khani's Benny N The Jets JC SC MC FCh AOM SDHR.On 11/26/2007, we learned that our handsome black boy, "Groovy" was found dead after a cougar atack.
Groovy was a great family dog, shown and handled by many different friends... his first win was a 5-point major (his 2nd show) at the EBC specialty...and his last major win was a 4-point major at the WVBC Winter 2004 specialty.
Groovy got along with everyone.. intact males and females alike... it was a very sad day to learn about his loss. He will be dearly missed by all.
"Groovy" aka CH Khani's Into The Groove JC SChttp://www.khanisbasenjis.com/Obits.htm
Benny and groovy will be keeping De La company, raiding the counter and killing annoying little squirrels that spend their days antagonizing them!
I'm so, so sorry for your loss….many, many hugs to you.
-Lorraine - also owned by a Fanconi B
Oh, its awful to lose our beloved dogs.
Sorry for your loss. -
I am so sorry for your losses. ((Hugs)) to you and your family…