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First Snow

Basenji Talk
  • When it snows here, my 2 dogs would keep going to the last bits of snow to pee, until there was almost nothing left, just to avoid having to step on the wet ground.

  • It snowed on Saturday here…just a small amount. Ruby was fine...just as good as when it is raining (doesn't seem to mind the rain). I'm thinking I'm super lucky, my basenji doesn't have weather issues :D.

    WRONG! It snowed a few inches overnight last night (and is supposed to snow at least another foot today). Ruby was not happy this morning...she ran under the porch and I had to go retrieve her after she had done her business...she wouldn't come back out into the snow. Once I get home from work, I'll have to try to figure something out as it will be a long Maine winter if I can't get her to walk in the snow...:rolleyes:

  • After my post yesterday, my brother took Ruby out in the snow for a walk down our longggg driveway in the thick of the storm (we got 1.5 feet :eek:). Evidently, she loved it…he emailed me to let me know. So whatever she didn't like about the snow in the morning, was all fine when he took her out :D and by the time I got home.

    When I got home, I took her out in her pen off leash and she was bounding all around like a little deer...:D :D :D . I shovelled out her pen and as I'm throwing snow around, she decides it is a game and starts running in front of where I'm throwing the snow to chase the snow, so she got pasted with a couple of shovels full of snow (it was light, don't worry)...pretty funny :D :D.

    When her paws got cold from the snow, she would run under the porch (we have tree bark down) to warm back up and then would come running out again for more basenji games.

    Yay, Ruby looooooves the snow. She came in so tired, she layed down on her bed in front of the wood stove, stretching out so her paws were on the hearth to warm up and went to sleep. :D

  • This is my first winter with EL D though not his first. We got 6-7 inches of first snow last weekend and more today and so far he's willing to go out in the yard to pee (and yes now he does all his business in the yard - yay) and tease the neighbor's dog and chase rabbits but he won't go for a walk in it. We get partway down the driveway and he just puts on the brakes and turns around. The few times we did get out into the street, I think he got road salt in his paws and when it started to melt he screamed to high-heaven. My other beastie used to do that and I was always worried the neighbors would call the animal control on me. :)

  • My b's are out playing in the snow right now…I am happy they don't mind it. We had an ice storm on Saturday and they were hilarious trying to figure out how to run on the ice:p They looked back at me like I was supposed to do something about it.

  • We're supposed to get our first snow tomorrow… It will be the first time I see Miles in snow. And today was the first day he came in shivering after our walk. I can't help but say I thought it was darling! Looks like I'll have to get him a Man Coat after all!! YES!!

  • Hey Jazzysmom…
    Did you have any or much of that terrible weather???

  • We haven't had the storms that the midwest has had… But it'll be interesting to see what today brings... let me check the forecast... please hold...

    this just in... 1-3 inches accumulation expected; 90% chance of snow. SWEET!
    Is 28, feels like 28. High today, 33. Buuuuurrrrrr!!

  • We got 3-4 inches of snow last night, amazingly Nexa and Leo liked it when I took them out this morning! They both stood in the sun room with this bewildered look, wondering what this white stuff is…hopefully, they’re this accepting all winter:)

  • When it first snows here in MN the b's in my house run out and then right back in looking at me - "I'll do my business when this goes away." Sometimes they have to go in and out a LOT before they finally figure out - nothings going to change.

    Even thought I have a patio and the wood deck for them - that I shovel off - they HAVE to plow through belly deep snow to get to 'their' spot. Sometimes if it gets really cold - I'll have to go out and carry one of the old dogs back as he gets so cold he won't move but just sits and cries.

    Ah the perils of the African dog in a Minnesota winter.

  • We got a foot of snow! :D

  • most times the snow itself is not an issue for my dogs - it's when there is that bone chilling cold that really does them in.

  • Well,,,,,,we got our first snow of the winter here in southeastern ohio and I was very happy to find that the furbabies LOVE the snow! In fact today the temp was milder than yesterday so the "kids" stayed out quite a bit playing with each other then the neighbors lab. It was sooooooooo funny,,,,,,,they were running when one of them discovered a hump in the snow. Soon all three were trying to figure out what it was. They quickly realized it was one of their toys that we hadnt got to bring in before the snow and they acted like it was a buried treasure they way got excited!!! They chased each other around for at least 45 minutes taking turns in the lead with their "treasure"! I was a little worried about how long I should let them out in the snow – worried about their little paws. Anyone know how long is to long or will they let me know like usual when they have had enough of outside?

  • Here are some pics we took the other day in the snow…

    Miles is really fast…

    See… Look how fast!

    But the two of them totally enjoyed romping around.

    Miles with his Daddy.

    He likes to go under all the trees.

    PooPoo apparently does not like the snow as much. Either that- or she hates that coat, "It's not doing anything for [her]."

    Oh, my kids!

  • OH NO!! What is Lexi so upset about?? I've never seen her pretty teeth :D LOL!


7 Dec 2007, 15:31

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  • 0 Votes
    13 Posts
    Good luck on getting a picture when she is still, if she is anything like our 2 she won't be still very muvh. Our Bitty does this thing, when she comes up on the bed at bedtime she will flop down facing directly away from us and then bend her head back mover her shoulder to look at us.
  • Snow + Basenji = ?

    Basenji Talk 15 Aug 2011, 22:47
    0 Votes
    26 Posts
    Ok, so I promised pictures of deep snow and basenji's…...well I cannot find anything right now....but trust me we had lots of snow!!
  • Not snow

    Basenji Talk 10 Oct 2009, 15:19
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    34 Posts
    They are nice looking coats Jaycee winter coat does not fit when we got her in March we got her a coat but it's a little to tight to say the least. So many pretty colors on there hard to know what one would look the best. We might have to get Jaycee one of those coats she is all ready shaking in the mornings. Rita Jean
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    13 Posts
    I have a cat that will walk around in the rain, she likes it. :eek: But if it is thundering, she heads for her cat door in the garage, hates thunder. My Basenji, Sahara hates wet grass, but is better about getting a bath now that I give her a treat when we are done. We carried her out in the boat, with her lifepreserver on and she liked it Ok. She is getting better but won't go outside to potty when it is raining unless Mom goes with her on a leash and an umbrella. Hence, her name Africian Queen Sahara!!!!!!:D
  • My First Scare

    Basenji Talk 7 Feb 2007, 21:52
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    ROFL ROFL LOL LOL LOL LOL…this is the FUNNIEST story I've ever heard in my life!!! LOL LOL :) Hahaha! I must say that Storm was quite disappointed to see that my "treasure" was a twig - I think he was hoping for a squirrel or a bunny or something a little more animated! ;) :) :D And my neighbors are NOT dog people, sooooo you know darn well they think I ought to be in a straight jacket! :)
  • Let it snow….

    Basenji Talk 30 Nov 2006, 16:07
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    1 Posts
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