Well,,,,,,we got our first snow of the winter here in southeastern ohio and I was very happy to find that the furbabies LOVE the snow! In fact today the temp was milder than yesterday so the "kids" stayed out quite a bit playing with each other then the neighbors lab. It was sooooooooo funny,,,,,,,they were running when one of them discovered a hump in the snow. Soon all three were trying to figure out what it was. They quickly realized it was one of their toys that we hadnt got to bring in before the snow and they acted like it was a buried treasure they way got excited!!! They chased each other around for at least 45 minutes taking turns in the lead with their "treasure"! I was a little worried about how long I should let them out in the snow – worried about their little paws. Anyone know how long is to long or will they let me know like usual when they have had enough of outside?