**Well Tiggy has been introduced to both in one day. He had to get a bath because he peed and then for some reason sat down in it ugh and LOL at same time
So for the bath well he was completely fascinated with the water coming from the facuet, until I turned on the sprayer (german baths have a sprayer also) so he freaked and tried to jump out, his jump was more because when he jumped he jumped face first into the spray. I was just able to hold him about the shoulders and finish the wet down. He stood great for the shampoo, was a little less scared with the shampoo rinse off, and then I added conditioner and for the rinse of that he was perfect and didn't move at all.
Then now we just got back from a potty walk (been about 3hrs since bath) and it started raining, he didn't even react to it, Reggie was more upset about it than Tiggy.
So maybe I got one that doesn't mind water to much.**