Poopie peek-a-boo
wrote on 8 Sept 2007, 02:02 last edited by
This is so funny. Champ does that cicle walk thing while he poops. He also streches when he pees and being a male it seemed odd. I just figured he was just too lazy to lift his leg but now I realize he just dosen't want to get any on him, though he's also walked and peed which has caused him to step in his urine. Crazy dogs I tell you.
wrote on 8 Sept 2007, 15:41 last edited by
Senji also sort of stretches and leans forward when he pees. He especially likes to pee on a hillside. He's neutered, but he still saves enough pee to mark all of the utility poles in the neighborhood. When he poops, he likes to go in the taller grass and paces back and forth about 10-15 times before he squats…and he usually leaves a trail of turds.
wrote on 13 Dec 2007, 18:11 last edited by
LOL, just found this thread.
Alex does a pretty good "Hunchback of Notre Dame" immitation when he's pooping while walking around in circles. As far as peeing, he does the stretch thing as well. In 15 years I've never seen him lift his leg.
wrote on 13 Dec 2007, 18:34 last edited by
She-Ra Pooping (A Nightly Ritual):
- Walk around park or neighborhood until "The Spot" is found
- Walk around "The Spot" for a least a minute or two sniffing like crazy
- Poop may be peeking out during Step 2
- Actual pooping begins
- She-Ra looks at me with a "Don't Look At Me!" type look
- Takes a few steps forward after first drop
- Second drop, takes another couple steps
- Even though she's empty she keeps doing this little waddle walk for about a half a minute, as if there might be more to come
If it wasn't so dang cute it'd be really gross! :)
wrote on 13 Dec 2007, 21:28 last edited by
5) She-Ra looks at me with a "Don't Look At Me!" type look
8) Even though she's empty she keeps doing this little waddle walk for about a half a minute, as if there might be more to come
...I know that look (Magnum always tries to position himself so I can't see him), and I know that waddle walk (there's never "more to come")!
wrote on 14 Dec 2007, 01:30 last edited by
My dogs do the same thing… BUT... do your dogs WALK WHILE POOPING? I've even seen Lexi do a handstand... literally... just pooping on her 2 front legs!!!
I've seen the handstand (but only with a female–never a male), the twirl, the walk, even the running poop! This happened when Zoey was in the middle of pooping and saw a cat.
wrote on 14 Dec 2007, 01:34 last edited by
I've seen the handstand (but only with a female–never a male), the twirl, the walk, even the running poop! This happened when Zoey was in the middle of pooping and saw a cat.
Cory usually walks in a circle to poop. (She has finally stopped doing it on top of my border grass.) But yesterday, she spotted a squirrel and did a running poop.
wrote on 14 Dec 2007, 01:55 last edited by
LOL… Yes, our Charlie does many of the same things! Now that it's winter, he has found the need to poop on the highest snow bank he can find - even though he almost always falls through the snow and winds up pooping in the oddest positions! :p
wrote on 14 Dec 2007, 03:49 last edited by
This thread is hysterical:p Sawyer is a poop walker and a pee walker, but has to keep at least on back leg off of the ground while peeing. Wyatt does the stretch and pee….but he does a pump poop. He does a normal squat but pumps his little back legs in and out to make the poop come out. It reminds me of the playdoh fuzzy pumper barber shop I got for Christmas when I was little:D
wrote on 14 Dec 2007, 14:15 last edited by
:D :D
EL D does the whirling twirling poop dance. Sometimes he can get twirling so fast he loses his balance. Funny thing though he never does it on our walks if the neighborhood kids are out - maybe he's too modest around them.
:D :D -
wrote on 16 Dec 2007, 13:46 last edited by
My basenji will do the same thing only she will spin in circles untill she finds the right spot. My husband and I laugh because he says that it is like she is trying to "fling" the poo out. :) lol
wrote on 16 Dec 2007, 13:55 last edited by
lol "If you have poo, fling it now!" Thats one of my FAVORITE lines from the movie Madagascar!
Both Tayda and Lenny have to cover about a 5 foot radius when they are pooping. Its ridiculous to see when they happen to be simultaneously going. They are like two figure skaters dancing around each other with this weird waddle.
Sometimes Lenny will see something up a tree and decide to abandon his pooping mission and go running around the tree jumping up and down. But WHILE he's jumping up and down on the tree trunk, he'll still have poop falling from his behind! Seriously, its so ridiculous sometimes…
wrote on 20 Dec 2007, 14:34 last edited by
I also find it that my boy is sort of embarresed when he poops because as soon as he's done he jumps as far as possible and kind of looks around like.."who did that?"..lol
wrote on 21 Dec 2007, 16:57 last edited by
Yay, I thought my dog was just mental. She spins, she plays poopie peek-a-boo for what seems like hours. It takes her an age to pick the spot she wants to go in, and I literally pray that nothing interesting happens when she finally does decide to go. I have never seen an animal with so much control over her pooper.
The first time she did hat to my husband he was convinced something was seriously wrong with her.
wrote on 21 Dec 2007, 18:10 last edited by
It's like the bumble bee dance!
The peek a Poo (also a dog breed?)- immortalized by National Lampoon's vacation -Prairie Dogging it
I dog sometimes get so scared that poop shoots out her bottom like squeezing a tube of tooth paste (nail trimming). The vet loves that!
Once my dog pooped in my niehbor's yard and I had no bags, so I left it to pick up on our next walk.
On our next walk, The dog found it sniffed it and when I cleaned it up she gave me this really confused look right in my eyes like- "Your not picking up other dog's poop, it's not mine ?"
wrote on 21 Dec 2007, 20:55 last edited by
I wonder what mythology the dogs have to explain why we pick up their poop.
maybe when they revolt and take over the world one cited reason will be never leaving poop around long enough to be investegated and tasted by all the dogs in the neighborhood. -
wrote on 27 Dec 2007, 03:50 last edited by
Myran does the poop dance heck of job to find all the poopie wieners especially in the dark.He stretches when he wee´s and immediately after does a quick willie wash I never seen him forget the wash talk about a fastidious dog.He´s only lifted his leg twice and that was after encountering a lady in heat ;)
wrote on 27 Dec 2007, 13:59 last edited by
SAME HERE! At first I thought Sally was consitpated. hehehehe….nope she is just picky also! Except when she is nervous then she can go fast and any where! YUCK
wrote on 28 Dec 2007, 22:27 last edited by
That is sooo funny, my husband will jump up from what ever he is doing and say sorry hun I have to go, I am Prairie Dogging it!! I thought that he was the only one to say that. :)