I had nose surgery a few months ago and when I got home I was worried the dogs would be so excited and jump all on me, but it was crazy how mild mannered and dare I say tame/domesticated they were. I swear they knew I was hurt and gave me a day or so of good behavior. They are truly great dogs to own!
If you find that you have excessive collars/leashes, you may want to call your local shelter and see if they would like to have them. So many shelters run on such a shoestring budget, it might be something they'd be able to use but not afford….
Just a thought
Hehe. I know…
Well I don't live very close to Bern at all - but YES!! Thank you for owning the Italians last night. :) !! Orange is such a nice colour. =)
Orange is a great colour ;)
Jayden is super gross when it comes to what he'll eat: poop, vomit, and, if he pees on the patio, he'll lick that. Honest!!! We feed him and we feed him very well! Yucccchhhhh!