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Hi there from jacksonville, fl! :D

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  • I just adopted a 10yr red and white purebred Basenji named Congo from BRAT. He came to me from the Tampa area! I absolutely love this little guy and he seems to love me back. My cat Pepper doesn't know what to do with himself. He just meows and wants my attention but Congo just wants to meet him. Poor Pepper!

    Congo seems to have a skin problem on his back. Looks like allergies. Possibly from the food he was on. Any suggestions on creams/lotions/shampoos?

    I gave him a bath last night and he did not like it!

    Also, he really likes ripping up paper towels/napkins/tissues. I don't think he's actually eating it.. just ripping it to shreds. I don't mind cleaning it up if it makes him happy.

    As a new Basenji owner I'm open to any tips/suggestions!

    Thanks! =)

  • The skin issues may go away once you get him on a good quality food. I use Taste of the Wild, but if you search these boards you will find all kinds of advice on good food to feed him. My B also came from BRAT and had an awful coat that cleared up within a month after getting him on proper food. As for the paper shredding- do you have a sense of humor because this is a Basenji trait through and through. You can either let it make you crazy or just adjust you attitude and see it for the amusing (although annoying) behavior that it is! I had to move all my bathroom trashcans to the top of the toilets after I got my B and I keep all paper products above Basenji reach. I told his foster mom about it and she called me a "slow study"! LOL! Enjoy your new forever friend. They are a challenge, but after having had one, I can't imagine having "just a dog" ever again!

  • Oh, and I forgot to say - he is simply adorable!!!!

  • HAHAHAHA!! My B's do the same thing. I can't leave the bathroom door open because they will take the toilet paper roll off the hanger and totally shred it! Same with Kleenex's, etc. Basenji's you will learn rather quickly have a hate-on for water. Good luck getting him to go outside to pee in the rain! Sorry I do not know anything about creams or conditioners for your B but rather just wanted to say Hi and I am new to the forum too.

  • What an adorable!! face and neat markings. You and Congo are both very lucky. =)

    I like your "I love my basenji" icon, too.

    For the skin problems, I would work with a high quality grain-free food for now, and daily fish oil supplements (I drop a 1000~1200 mg pill in with dinner every day). You already gave him a bath, and that will help. Are the skin issues on his back where he can't itch? If so, maybe topicals aren't necessary… good food, supplement boosts, and maybe some regular Zoom Grooming will help.

  • Welcome to you and Congo. I hope the skin problem clears up with a suitable food.

  • Welcome! Are you sure that it's Congo that's shredding the toilet paper, and not your kitty Pepper? :) I see a completely innocent basenji in that adorable picture….

    By the way, basenjis are very talented and will do their chores without being asked to:
    1. Take out the garbage.
    2. Do the dishwasher.
    3. Sort the laundry…. if you are looking for any underwear, check under the bed, the dining room table, or behind the couch! :)

    Does he roo?

  • Thank you all! I appreciate the suggestions! =)

    He does not roo! I have tried everything to coax him to yodel. He sure does snore and whine though!

    I will be buying high quality Blue Buffalo Senior food for him tomorrow. I really think it is the food that he has a problem with.

    Today we went to the dog park and he had a blast! It was 97 degrees out with a high heat index so we stayed in the shade, but was ready to go back in the AC in less than 45 minutes. Silly Congo. I don't think he knows his breed is from Africa, haha!

    For treats, I really want to give him something healthy. Right now I'm giving him peanutbutter and carrot. Any recommendations? Also, he's a stinker… farts are so smelly! hahaha! He had loose stool today but I think that could just be from the nervousness and new surroundings.

  • Hi and welcome onboard.
    Congo sure is a looker and he is oh so lucky to have found you and his forever home.
    I would too give him some better quality food, I have had very good luck with Blue Buffalo wilderness (??), whatever the no grain variety is called, for my fosters I've had.
    Can't wait to hear of all the adventures he takes you on…oh and remember you don't own him..HE owns you...;)

  • Welcome to you and Congo :)

  • Welcome and Congrats on adopting Congo…I'm sure he'll love and amuse you for many, many years!

    LOL on the paper shredding...Zuni is our crazy paper shredder. We were thinking of moving the toilet paper holders to ceiling height...but I've been trained to close the bathroom doors now :-). We also have to keep napkins off our laps at dinnertime or she'll zip through, grab them and take off.

    I hope the food clears up his skin problems quickly.

  • Congratulations - Congo is a beauty! Not surprised about the paper shredding - like others have said, never leave the bathroom door open! Hope he doesn't figure out how to get into your trash! We've bought a very heavy square trashcan with a top that opens with a step-on, and closes itself. My B's are very upset they can't get into it! Keep things off the counter he might want - our B can jump direclty up there if she wants something. A hamper with available dirty clothes is a treasure trove for a basenji - they'll grab the most embarrassing things and drag them around the house, playing "catch me" and nibbling on them on the way! We've learned this the hard way. Have fun with Congo!

  • @suzee:

    I just adopted a 10yr red and white purebred Basenji named Congo from BRAT….....As a new Basenji owner I'm open to any tips/suggestions!Thanks! =)

    Welcome to the forum! Although I am also a brand new member, I've been "lurking" for awhile, and finally decided to jump in and join. I've had the privilege of being "owned" by 5 Basenjis over the past 45 years, and I like to think I have some insight into the breed's quirks.

    As someone who has had three "previously enjoyed" Basenjis, the one tip I would like to pass along is that it can take awhile for the dog to understand that this relationship is indeed permanent. With a dog that has been through a few homes, there may be an uncertainty as to whether he is staying or soon moving on. With a dog that has had only one previous home, he may indeed think his "Mom" has left him temporarily and will soon return.

    My current Basenji, Perry, took the longest of any of my three adoptees to recognize that this was his forever home. I would say it was at least six months before he was fully relaxed and sure that he was home for good. Although he was never difficult, per se, I felt a change…...sort of like he took a deep breath and relaxed......and after that he was definitely "at home". :)

    Your boy looks like a wonderful Basenji from his picture. At ten years, he is likely quite laid back and should embrace the change better perhaps than a younger dog. It's great that you found each other.....but be warned, as I once told my husband when I convinced him our home needed a dog, "There is nothing like a Basenji"! They are positively addictive, and even if you have a little troublemaker, they spoil you for any other breed!

  • @eeeefarm:

    Welcome to the forum! Although I am also a brand new member, I've been "lurking" for awhile, and finally decided to jump in and join. I've had the privilege of being "owned" by 5 Basenjis over the past 45 years, and I like to think I have some insight into the breed's quirks.

    As someone who has had three "previously enjoyed" Basenjis, the one tip I would like to pass along is that it can take awhile for the dog to understand that this relationship is indeed permanent. With a dog that has been through a few homes, there may be an uncertainty as to whether he is staying or soon moving on. With a dog that has had only one previous home, he may indeed think his "Mom" has left him temporarily and will soon return.

    My current Basenji, Perry, took the longest of any of my three adoptees to recognize that this was his forever home. I would say it was at least six months before he was fully relaxed and sure that he was home for good. Although he was never difficult, per se, I felt a change…...sort of like he took a deep breath and relaxed......and after that he was definitely "at home". :)

    Your boy looks like a wonderful Basenji from his picture. At ten years, he is likely quite laid back and should embrace the change better perhaps than a younger dog. It's great that you found each other.....but be warned, as I once told my husband when I convinced him our home needed a dog, "There is nothing like a Basenji"! They are positively addictive, and even if you have a little troublemaker, they spoil you for any other breed!

    I've spent the past few days with my boy without leaving him alone. I didn't know how he'd react when I would have to go out/go back to work next week. I had someone come over today to pick up the dog food i bought (just switched him to blue buffalo because of his skin) and he thought I was giving him away to her. He just sat in between us while we were talking and his tail went down and little and he pouted. It was so sad. I reassured him he was staying with me! I helped the lady bring the stuff to her car and was only gone for a few minutes. When I came back, he acted like he had not seen me in years! Running in circles, jumping with joy and giving me kisses. He was one happy boy!!

    It will certainly take time for him to settle in here and realize this is HIS home. But I think he's starting to come to that conclusion. =)

    Here's a little video of me catching some of his spins on camera!

  • You need to make your coming and goings very calm. I know you want to just love him up when you get home, but come in take him for a walk first, then love him up. If you keep the comings/goings as low key as possible, the dogs will be less stressed.
    Glad you found your new love. He is lovely!

  • @suzee:

    I've spent the past few days with my boy without leaving him alone. I didn't know how he'd react when I would have to go out/go back to work next week.

    You might want to experiment with leaving him for a few minutes, then a few more minutes, then half an hour, etc. to see how he manages. Do you plan to crate him or confine him in a room when you are gone? I find it is often a little while before they are confident that you are coming back, and even a dog that has previously had no issues can express separation anxiety if left totally alone when they are not used to it.

    I like to leave Perry's roller ball and Kong in his crate with the door shut for awhile before we go out. Although we haven't crated him in years, seeing the treats builds his anticipation so that he is very happy when we give the treats just before we go out the door. This technique will also work well if you are planning to crate the dog. :)

  • @eeeefarm:

    You might want to experiment with leaving him for a few minutes, then a few more minutes, then half an hour, etc. to see how he manages. Do you plan to crate him or confine him in a room when you are gone? I find it is often a little while before they are confident that you are coming back, and even a dog that has previously had no issues can express separation anxiety if left totally alone when they are not used to it.

    I like to leave Perry's roller ball and Kong in his crate with the door shut for awhile before we go out. Although we haven't crated him in years, seeing the treats builds his anticipation so that he is very happy when we give the treats just before we go out the door. This technique will also work well if you are planning to crate the dog. :)

    He had free run of his foster mom's house while she was at work and was very good about it. He is not house destructive at all so that helps a lot! Because of that, I will let him run the house while I'm gone.

    Oh and progress!! Pepper (my black cat) and Congo ate breakfast together today! Pepper even spilled some of his on the ground and Congo patiently waited for me to get his breakfast and didn't make a move on Pepper. I was so proud of Congo!! He even sat when I told him to right next to Pepper and of course I gave him a treat!

    Pepper has lots of places to climb up on and escape from Congo so leaving them together shouldn't be too bad. I haven't taught Congo how to use the balcony dog door yet because Pepper uses it as a time out and potty area (his litter box is out there). Once they get more comfortable with each other, Congo will have access to the screened in balcony. =)

  • @suzee:

    He had free run of his foster mom's house while she was at work and was very good about it. He is not house destructive at all so that helps a lot! Because of that, I will let him run the house while I'm gone.

    Oh and progress!! Pepper (my black cat) and Congo ate breakfast together today! Pepper even spilled some of his on the ground and Congo patiently waited for me to get his breakfast and didn't make a move on Pepper. I was so proud of Congo!! He even sat when I told him to right next to Pepper and of course I gave him a treat!

    Pepper has lots of places to climb up on and escape from Congo so leaving them together shouldn't be too bad. I haven't taught Congo how to use the balcony dog door yet because Pepper uses it as a time out and potty area (his litter box is out there). Once they get more comfortable with each other, Congo will have access to the screened in balcony. =)

    Oh and tomorrow I will be in and out a few times without him. I actually need to get stuff done and unfortunately I can't bring him with me everywhere I go. haha

  • @suzee:

    He had free run of his foster mom's house while she was at work and was very good about it. He is not house destructive at all so that helps a lot! Because of that, I will let him run the house while I'm gone.

    That is very encouraging! Did he have canine company at her house? It can make a difference, and I really encourage you to try short separations before leaving for the day…..different surroundings can result in different behaviour. Hopefully all will be fine.....but best to prepare him for your absence.

    I'm not trying to be alarmist here, but I find it is always the best policy to not assume the dog will be the same in a new home.

  • @suzee:

    Oh and tomorrow I will be in and out a few times without him. I actually need to get stuff done and unfortunately I can't bring him with me everywhere I go. haha

    Excellent! I think his reaction will tell you everything you need to know…..oh, and I second Sharon's excellent advice.....don't make a fuss over him when leaving or returning. Be as casual as you can.

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  • Hi

    Member Introductions
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    A tired Basenji?!!! Joking apart, I agree with the previous posts. It is really important that she doesn't get something for nothing as Wizard advises make her work for it. Welcome to the Forum to you,Teagan and the others.
  • Hi

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    So nice to have you here, Jerome and Rudy. :)
  • Hi

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    Welcome to the forum.
  • Hi!

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    Hello and welcome. Can't wait to see pics. What a cute tri.
  • Hi all

    Member Introductions
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    Welcome to the forum, enjoy the fun, the people, the Basenji's!:cool:
  • Hi All

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    dear muffen hi and welcome :) rescuing a dog is a wonderful thing, i hope this is a good option for you. i know brat has many dogs in florida that are looking for their forever homes. they do a great job of matching dogs to the right owner. disclaimer if you have small children it might be a good idea to get a puppy from a reputable breeder. luckily, puppy season will be here soon and there are a couple of really great breeders in florida.