In looking at sites, I find they still say 3 yrs OR do titers. I would rather do a titer every 3 yrs than revaccinate, and absolutely if your vet pushes for yearly or every other year, print out info and find a new vet.
Very interesting, so what does this mean for puppies that received their shots last year at the 9/12/16 (more or less) weeks? Since this says at 6 months, does this mean that they (puppies from last year) should still get the boster this year?
If vaccinated prior to 6 mos, do next regular then covered. Most say vaccinate no more than every 3 yrs after that.
Do you have a link to the actual Veterinary recommended protocol? This website has no official sources cited.
the problem is with city/county rules that require the annual rabies vaca, when they last for 3 years and we have to have it to get the city tag.
The sad thing is, they have PROVEN rabies is effective AT LEAST 10 yrs. And that after 2nd shot, does NOT improve immunity. But getting gov't to change, not so easy.
Here are some links: (every 3 yrs, even though the AVMA admits finds NO validity to vaccinating again)