Please post pics. Love to see Bs enjoying the snow!
We had some snow last year. Having spent almost all of his life in sunny Southern California, Spencer was not impressed. Not one little bit!
My 2 b's like the snow much more than the rain…they will go out and play, come in and cry cause their feet hurt, and then go out again..
Rain, nope, no playing in that WET!
our female basenji loves the snow…wnen we get it.
she runs around until she gets cold,then comes in and gets warm and wants to go back out. the male just looks at her likes she crazy!!!!!
thats about how it goes at are house. as long as they can keep the door open to go in and out as they like. Still haven't goten them to under stand about money going out the door that way.:) We do that alot during the summer. They like to race and chace each other that way.
We have a doggie door, and they just fly through that!
We have a doggie door, and they just fly through that!
Exactly… cures the open doors heat/cold problems.....
We just got one the other day. Cant wait till hubby to put it in. It will be in the screen door but thats better than nothing.
Nemo looks cold in that snow makes me cold. Inch of snow is to much and ice is even worse. I kind of can hardly wait to see what Jaycee thinks of snow but then I do not want anymore of it.
Rita Jean
I'm in the Sheboygan area, but we have familiy in Madison, so we are in that area a few times a year…maybe we can do a meet up sometime, I've only seen another basenji once before, I would love the chance to meet up with more basenji owners!
Tosca doesn't mind the snow for short periods of time. She will have no problem walking through it, until her paws get too cold. I actually like it in the morning, cause it makes her go out to go to the bathroom much quicker Last winter we had SUCH big snowpiles with all the record snow, we had fun throwing Tosca into them and watching her run around. It sounds mean, but she had fun with it too...or at least tolerated it w/o complaining
I'm in the Sheboygan area, but we have familiy in Madison, so we are in that area a few times a year…maybe we can do a meet up sometime, I've only seen another basenji once before, I would love the chance to meet up with more basenji owners!
Tosca doesn't mind the snow for short periods of time. She will have no problem walking through it, until her paws get too cold. I actually like it in the morning, cause it makes her go out to go to the bathroom much quickerLast winter we had SUCH big snowpiles with all the record snow, we had fun throwing Tosca into them and watching her run around. It sounds mean, but she had fun with it too...or at least tolerated it w/o complaining
Yes, the one benefit from the cold/snow is that they do not take their time outside.
We just got a few inches of snow this morning. Kananga was not happy to be outside in the morning, but he was distracted for a bit by a friend of his (Boxer that we usually run into in the mornings). His friend has an almost identical coat (brindle/white), so I always joke about Kananga being the miniature version of the Boxer. Hopefully it will still be a mild winter. :o
There was about 1/2-3/4 inch in the yard this morning and it was funny to watch Gossy. When first out the door she was in full running mode but screeched to a stop as soon as she went out on the snowy deck. After I shoved her butt a little (I think she was thinking to just go back inside) she picked her way slowly across the deck and down the steps to get under the trees where there was no snow so she could do her business. She's only been through one winter (she'll be 2 in December) and I don't think she has formed an opinion about it yet as she didn't really seem to mind it much (so far).
I am really hoping you Minnesota and Wisconsin folks will keep that snow to yourselves! Even though Zuki has been wearing her Fido Fleece for about a month now, we are just not ready for that white fluffy stuff yet!
I guess the Basenji gods sends each of us the dog we need because we live in a ski resort in Colorado and have snow on the ground over half the year. Yet our Ella mostly enjoys the snow. She doesn't even mind it when it actually snowing either (much better than rain). I am glad I didn't read this thread before we got her. We were concerned, but our local Basenji-friend said her dogs were fine during the winters here. Of course, we keep an eye on cold paws and ears. She is pretty good until it lower than about 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
I guess the Basenji gods sends each of us the dog we need because we live in a ski resort in Colorado and have snow on the ground over half the year. Yet our Ella mostly enjoys the snow. She doesn't even mind it when it actually snowing either (much better than rain). I am glad I didn't read this thread before we got her. We were concerned, but our local Basenji-friend said her dogs were fine during the winters here. Of course, we keep an eye on cold paws and ears. She is pretty good until it lower than about 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
I have seen my B through temps as cold as -20 to -25F. He does ok, but he just can't stand the cold for very long when it gets that cold.
I don't keep him as lean in the winter for that reason. He doesn't like to wear any apparel either. :rolleyes:
The thing is though, I have him on leash whenever he goes out. He learned long ago that he really has no choice. This will be the 2nd winter for him and he's adjusting ok thus far.
Ella is also about the start her second winter. She has been in temps as low as -10, but as you said, they aren't comfortable for very long. Ella had an ill-fitting hand-me-down coat as a puppy and she didn't seem to mind it. We just got her a new Montana Dogwear coat and she really seems to like it.
Ella is also about the start her second winter. She has been in temps as low as -10, but as you said, they aren't comfortable for very long. Ella had an ill-fitting hand-me-down coat as a puppy and she didn't seem to mind it. We just got her a new Montana Dogwear coat and she really seems to like it.
My two used to tolerate the cold and snow, but now that they are in their senior years I think they would rather skip the whole winter season. Thanks for mentioning the Montana Dogware - looks like great stuff! Zak's 14th birthday is coming up and I bet he'd love a new coat!
I made it a point to mention both that Ella is a youngster as I think older dogs tolerate the cold less, and that we love our new Montana Dogware coat. Ella is 23 pounds and we got her the XXXS with a tail notch.
Thanks bcraig for the Montana Dogware info. I just looked at their website and love those coats. I will be ordering 2 for my 12yr old and 8 yr basenjis. Hopefully we will have them before the first snow falls here in Ohio.
I love their coats too, but they be a little too warm for Texas winter, upper 30's some days (count days on one hand..LOL), low to mid 40's most days..?
It is a very humid, into your core cold, but not cold like below freezing..
I really would like for Otis to have a coat, he is so skinny, so I think he is cold, but he might not be.
They are nice looking coats Jaycee winter coat does not fit when we got her in March we got her a coat but it's a little to tight to say the least. So many pretty colors on there hard to know what one would look the best. We might have to get Jaycee one of those coats she is all ready shaking in the mornings.
Rita Jean