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URGENT ADVICE - Possible insect sting

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Cali had what sounds the same as what Chance has when we lived in Ripon. It turned out it was harvest mites but it might be a bit early for them yet:confused: Have a look inbetween his toes for tiny little red things.

  • Wow, good thing Nakura is doing better, Sorry that Chance is feeling the wrath of it now. I hope things are better by tomorrow

  • Update on Nakura.

    Her face and glands were badly swollen again last night. Took her to vets this morning. She has had 2 back teeth removed.

    Had just started using Logic Gel on her - too little too late. Now I have a tooth brush for her too. We certainly don't want to be losing any more teeth. :)

  • @Benkura:

    Update on Nakura.

    Her face and glands were badly swollen again last night. Took her to vets this morning. She has had 2 back teeth removed.

    Had just started using Logic Gel on her - too little too late. Now I have a tooth brush for her too. We certainly don't want to be losing any more teeth. :)

    Ohh dear poor Nakura, but at least you now know what the problem was.
    How is Chance today?

  • So the teeth made her swell up like that? How is Chance is he feeling better? .

  • Glad Nakura is healing…Chance how is he doing?

  • Oh Vicki - you've had a time of it. Poor Nakura!
    As you know I did think of teeth but as she seemed to be eating normally and didn't seem in pain, we discounted it.
    What a shame - she must have been feeling miserable at least but glad that the vet has sussed it out. I don't suppose she'll feel like showing tomorrow, but of course you'll be able to bring her along.
    Don't forget to give Fragraria 6 or 30c for about 5 to 6 days before you brush as that does help to loosen the plaque.
    Hoping to see you tomorrow!

  • Poor Nakura, I hope she is feeling better now.

  • She looked fine at the NBS. you would never know she had a problem.

  • Just catching up with this post. Chance is great, he had a small outbreak of hives a couple of days ago but I think it's about all cleared up now.

    Nakura had a small splinter in her gum (she has eaten her way out of her kennel!) This caused an absess which infected her teeth (so the vet said). She had bad breath for years though and since having the teeth out I can quite happily put my nose near her mouth. The VILE smell has completely gone. :)

    Thanks Jisgard, I thought she looked good at the show too. She did much better in her class than I expected under that judge. :) (I just wish i could find a judge who will give her her third ticket) :D

  • So glad to hear your babies are better -you have had your hands full. Nakura's situation reminds all of us to pay lots of attention to our B's teeth.

  • I now use Logic Gel every day and have bought new toothbrushes to see how we go with that too. :)

  • super they are better now. Sorry, I just have read it now.

    In case of any stings you can use raw onion. Cut it in half and put it on the sting for a while. It pulls the poison out of the wound.

    We here in our area have lots of adders around for this reason I bought a "snake-bite-kit" which is always in the car, just in case.

    If you think of any allergic reaction maybe to plants, check if you have any of the Ambrosia artemisiifolia in your direct area. They can cause massive allergic reactions and the seeds are used in bird food blends.

    Washing with Vinegar (preferably made out of apples) can help to stop the itching.


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