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Sherwood's Breeding Plans

Breeder Talk
  • Robyn,

    just wanted you to know we are sending good feelings and hope to your little girl who made it. I'm very sorry to hear about all the difficulties with this litter. Big hugs from Lycia and I.

  • I am so sorry Robyn. That must be so traumatic for everyone. Hugs to all of you..and thoughts and prayers for little Nascar girl.

  • So sorry to hear about the three pups.. I hope the girl is going to make it. She looks so beautiful..

  • I took Bindi, the live pup, and the 3 dead ones to the vet today. Dr. DeHaven said that since 3 pups were affected, she thinks that they were in one uterine horn and that the horn had become infected somehow. The infection killed the pups and the reason the skin was pulled away from the skulls was that they had been dead a while and were starting to decompose. The live pup would have been in the other uterine horn which was not infected. Since Bindi never ran a fever and the pups most likely died prior to Bindi losing her appetite, there was no way anyone could have known. Dr. DeHaven gave Bindi a shot of oxytocin to expell the contents of her uterus. This should clear out the infection. She opted to not give antibiotics due to Bindi nursing the pup but if Bindi develops a fever and does not regain her appetite they may be necessary. I feel better knowing that this wasn't some kind of birth defect or something I may have done wrong but I am still depressed at the loss of the 3 pups.

  • I'm glad to hear that Bindi and her little girl are doing okay. Is she now nursing? I checked the forum repeatedly today to see if there was an update. I know so many of us wish we could reach out and give you a collective hug. And give Bindi a some extra loving from us.

    I'm not a mathematical genius but if bad luck does come in threes, you are SOOOO overdue some good luck.


  • I'm sorry for the loss of the pups. Sending good thoughts for Bindi and Little Nascar Girl.

  • Good wishes for Bindi and the pup. Poor little pups, at least you know what caused the problems. Hope Bindi recovers completely!

  • So Sorry to read about Bindis and your ordeal let?s hope little Lady Nascar will thrive and be a bundle of joy to Bindi and you :D

  • I've just started reading through this thread. So sorry to hear about your losses. Hopefully Bindi & puppy get through perfectly. Believe me, I know how stressfull this can be. I just officiated a funeral today. The lady lost her husband on boxing day, & the vet has given her dog only 2 weeks to live. She is like a basket-case, married 41 yrs, had dog for 21.
    Wishing you all the best


  • Robyn,

    So sorry to hear about your loss. We are sending prayers and postive thoughts to Bindi and her surviving pup. Please keep us updated.

  • The puppy will be going to live with my best friend Steph and her husband Chris. They have Luna (Ch. Sherwood's Red Moon Rising), littermate to my Baron (and the deceased Logan) and full sibling to my Pippin and Lisa's Nicky. They were here to watch her birth and will be coming over frequently to watch her grow. They have decided to name her Ayla.

    Bindi has been a fabulous mother, very attentive and always touching the baby. They snuggle constantly and it is so precious. Bindi does not look like a typical nursing mother. She barely has noticable teats but the pup is a little butterball so she is obviously producing enough milk. Bindi looks so good that for a fleeting moment, I was tempted to enter her in the dog show at the end of this month. :p

    The picture below was taken a few minutes ago.

  • I was getting a little worried because we hadn't heard any news. Bindi and Ayla look great. Ayla is little beautiful little butterball which is fantastic. :)


  • Sorry to read about all the trials with this litter. I suppose all you can do is be thankful about the one little pup you have - that pic certainly is adorable!

  • @YodelDogs:

    Wonderful sweet picture. This sight makes all the other problems go away. My condolences for what you went through. Looks like Mom and baby are quite content. :)

  • How very precious!

  • Very cute Robyn….

  • Thank you for the update, Robyn. I have been thinking of you and Bindi all day. I could not get you out of my mind!!

    Welcome new Ayla. I hope your new 2-legged parents will keep us updated here on your progress. You seem destined for great things.

  • I've been thinking too about Bindi and Ayla. Sounds like Ayla is going to a wonderful home. Such a pretty name too.

  • She looks good Robyn. And Sugar and Bindi are so much alike still! The sideways look, just the features. I'm assuming she's a good mama too.

  • Congrats on a healthy mom & pup! I'm very glad they are thriving!

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