Reverse Sneezing
Jackpot started having brief episodes of reverse sneezes after he got his Bordatella vaccination. It seems to have stopped for the most part (the nasal vaccination was approximately 1 weeks ago)..but I was just curious if this was "normal"? I know the vet said he might sneeze more than usual, but he didn't mention reverse sneezes.
Chellie -
My german shepherd mix would get such bad sneezing (regular and reverse) fits from the nasal bordatella vacine, that after the first time, I switched her to injections instead. All 3 of the Bs I've had have sneezed a little but not excessively.
Thanks for the replies. Jackpot's reverse sneezing seems to have subsided (and even when he was doing it it lasted 30seconds max)…but he looked scared (poor boy). It was easy to distract him by showing him a toy or getting him interested in a treat and the rev. sneezing stopped...but I wonder if we should do the injection next time? He goes to Doggy Day he needs Bordatella every 6 months.
When Chance got his nasal Bordatella he did the exact same thing for a few hours. When it came time for Kiya's Bordatella we opted for the shot instead and had no problems.
If you are given the option I would just do the shot instead so Jackpot won't have to go through that again. Poor little guy. :(