Oldest basenji?
It is so great to hear from you, Ted is great… send me a private email at tanzab@aol.com so we don't keep "hi-jacking" this thread and I will fill you in on many details of everyone up hear. Great to hear from you and hugs to Susan!
I remember Hafta as some of our dogs coursed with her back in the day. She was an excellent courser! Perhaps lure coursers tend to live longer as our dogs were around the same age and they have just passed within the last year or two. I was thinking of Merlin, GiGi, and Glory Be.
He still opens the fridge and helps himself to anything left on the bottom shelf .Sence the glucosmine he is getting to the second and onto the first shelf where all the good left overs are hunted .
This is SO basenji! They are just too smart! :)
Our Basenji, Nosey will be 12 on December 31st. We had a black and white boy, Bret, who passed at 14 years. And another who went far too soon at only 5 years.
It is so hard to think of life with out my baby. So I enjoy every minute of the time we have together. We are bringing in a new puppy in to the family. He needs a companion :) -
This thread started Dec 2011. Wondering ages now. We lost Arwen at 12. Cara is 9, looks half her age.
My Skeeter is 17 years 2 and 1/2 months old. I have had her since she was 2 months old. She has gotten so skinny and is frail but she still eats and drinks and lets me know when she needs to go out. I have to keep her on a leash now because she tends to take off and we live out in the country but the other day she went down our driveway and out onto the gravel road. I'm not sure she knows where she is any more but she does find her way back. She can't see very well but her hearing is still pretty good, She always did have selective hearing. She has been a treasure and I love her dearly. I know she can't be here much longer and my goal is to keep her as comfortable as possible. She doesn't exhibit any signs of being in any kind of pain. It is my constant prayer that she will just slip away in her sleep and I won't have to make the decision to put her down. She was very sick 3 years ago and was diagnosed with a brain tumor and kidney failure but on the advice of a friend, I stopped any food or treat that had red dye in it and she stopped having seizures immediately and hasn't had one since.
replied to jayse79 on last edited by
I am sorry. As long as they still happy. It
still isnt enough -
We've had two Basenjis live to 17, one only got to age 3 before she died from cancer and our last one died last year aged 14 1/2 but he had been I'll for 7 years with epilepsy, went blind and also developed kidney disease and finally succumbed from a combination of all plus a moth tumour. However, he was the best tempered and softest Basenji you could imagine. We still miss him terribly.