Winter Clothes
How big is she?
I had many Winter Coats and Sweaters. The key word is MANY. I got some Coats from Horsewear Ireland the makers of the Rambo Rugs for Horses. She would start chewing it as soon as I got it on her. I still have her Sweater because even though she chewed it she did not totally destroy it. Sweaters are best in my experience because they are easier to get on and harder for them to be destroyed. My Dog had no use for Rain or Snow. She refused to go out in bad weather so I would pick her up and take her outside and hold an umbrella over her.
The worst thing is that her little feet were frozen even though I bought her lined Boots. She let me put them on her and she could not get them off but it took about 20 minutes to get ready to go outside in Winter!
Good luck and do not spend a lot of money because it will most likely be destroyed. I got my money back from Horsewear Ireland because they state that their Rugs are indestructible. That is false because I have several Rugs from my Horses that were destroyed.
Try the local recycling shop (we call them "op shops", short for opportunity shops, and usually run by red cross, charities, and community groups), They often have items that you can adapt to suit - like sweat tops. Sometimes they get some items in that are unsuitable, but charming for an elegant Basenji.
I used to crochet sweaters for Basenjis and other breeds. I sold them on e-bay by the hundred in aid of Basenji Rescue. Dogs loved them and they wash easily and last for years. You can see them on my much neglected website.[link text](link url) and there are loads more on the next page if you scroll down.I can let anyone have the pattern cos I only have a couple here (new) I made for my own support team.
In my experience boots may be more needed than a coat, although my boy used to wear both in really cold weather. Without boots he was done very quickly, trying to hold up multiple cold feet. My bitches, OTOH, did very well without anything unless it was extremely cold, although boots were necessary when it was 20 below! In a pinch, socks cut to fit secured with elastic got them out long enough to pee!
@mvdperez said in Winter Clothes:
*Speaking of booties, do Basenji REALLY keep them on? Am thinking our little girl would simply NOT do that but she really needs them as we live in Colorado. :sun_with_face: :snowflake: *
I had no problem keeping boots on my boy, but he only wore them when out for a walk, so he was always supervised while wearing them. He didn't particularly like them, but he tolerated them. Not that I gave him an option! I used Muttluks, and found they worked well and did not come off when properly fitted and done up snugly.
You need to be firm when you introduce the boots. Chewing them should not be an option! Of course the dog will want to remove them as they are unfamiliar. If you are using them for walking outside, you have a leash on the dog and can prevent any chewing attempts. I would not leave the dog unsupervised with boots on. That is tempting fate! You also need to make sure the boots are on securely.....i.e. the foot is all the way down in the boot and the fasteners (velcro, in the case of Muttluks) are snug. Your dog may object when you first introduce boots. Like other necessary things, e.g. toenail clipping, you have to be firm and persist until the dog accepts them. Lots of praise and treats when you are successful!
We have bougth several from in Lithuania - they make every coat to size. Maybe they ship to USA too. Good quality.
@mikero said in Winter Clothes:
Where did you get that top? Is that a harness or some sort of fleece?
I don't remember where I picked that up. No harness, he had a collar on under it, and there's a hole for the leash. It's just a coat, nothing special, got it at a pet store I think. It had a fleece lining and did up with a Velcro strap around his belly. Served the purpose and easy to get on and off, unlike the boots, which did take awhile. I found the easiest way to do them was to get down on my knees beside him. When I broke my ankle I had to ask Perry to stand on a footstool beside my wheelchair while I put them on, so he would be ready to go when the dog walker arrived. Awkward, but he was such a good boy and cooperated.
Some of my Basenji's did well with sweaters. I would use a doggy coat with the single belly band for really cold weather and that worked well...……………. until I met and fell in love with Delle. She was a bit of a demon and the single belly band did not keep her coat on straight. Nothing worse than trying to walk a dog in the snow with it's coat under it's belly. So I went with the new designs for turnout sheets for horses. Got a raincoat and a fleece winter coat from Dover Saddlery for relatively reasonable prices. the surcingles cross under the belly and when fitted properly that dog coat is not going to move even at the gallop! They lasted well too. Delle was with me for 13 years and I still have those coats that I purchased when she was 3. They look brand new and I would use them for the new love in my life except she is smaller and the coats swim on her. I've yet to try the boots but may give it a whirl this year.
I have ordered some winter clothes and collar from . Very good quality, I'm happy.