The 12 Days of Christmas Bloopers - Basenji Style!
Ok, here's day 2. The new reindeer antlers I bought - these ones supposedly designed for dog heads - took a beating!
Ok, here's day 2. The new reindeer antlers I bought - these ones supposedly designed for dog heads - took a beating!
Ummm, taste better than it feels… Indy, you pull it like this...........
Here are some of my favourite captions for yesterday's photos from people on the pix list:
"Pay attention now!This is the way you floss your teeth,
Floss your teeth, floss your teeth.
This is the way you floss your teeth,
in time for Christmas morning!" from Dawn
"Instruments of torture, must be destroyed." from Peggy
"If I've told her once, I've told her a thousand times. We DON'T do hats!" from Kevin & Amy
"Ah, the Spirit of Christmas pest!" from Chris
"No, you shoot the antlers at the squirrels this way" from Jo Lynne
"Brace yourself Indy, using that reindeer hat as a slingshot is about to backfire on you." from Debbie
Today, Jigsaw argues with me about wardrobe selection. The 3rd day of Christmas bloopers - basenji style!
NO, really, this time I wanna wear it, I do, I do!!!!!
Yesterday's pix list "finalists" are:
"I can get myself dressed, thank you very much!" from Jo Lynne
"Look, you can have the green one, red suits me much better!" from Annechien
"I LOVE TUG OF WAR! Pull harder mom…Indy, help! She's winning!" from Kevin and Amy
"It holds more cookies if you stretch it first!" from Mike
"You can't go back up the chimney until I get my present!" from J.R.
"Changed my mind...I NEED to be coordinated!" from Lynn
You: "Didn't you hear me? I said, on a count of three, we'll both let go."
Jigsaw: "Yes, I heard you!" from Linda
Today, Indy takes over for me. What IS it about him and elastic?! The 4th day of Christmas bloopers, basenji style!
Love their Santa suits but it's pretty obvious they do not feel the same! B's are such funny animals.
"This will show Santa not to leave coal in our stockings!"
Indy: If I just lift my left paw, Jigsaw will get this right in the eye….
Thanks to those of you who have been playing along. :-)
From the pix list people, my favourite captions from yesterday are:
"It looks like spaghetti, but it sure doesn't taste like it. How is your end?" from J.R.
"Jigsaw: What happened to the guy wearing this?
Indy: That was a GUY?!
Jigsaw: Dude! You sleigh me." from Linda
"Indy: "I've got it! If we sabotage the hat, we won't have to wear it." from Kevin & Amy
"Ugh, don't like fluffy pompons, but this stuff could just be like chewing gum….... no wait.... oh ooooops, it's floss for my teeth!!"
from Annechien
"Not sure what it is, but it stretches like a chicken!" from Chris
"Watch it buster - you'll be yankin' your teeth out and possibly sending me flying across the room..." from SueToday, Indy tries to use height to his advantage. (Kind of surprising that the pom pom hadn't been decapitated yet!) The 5th day of Christmas bloopers - basenji style!
"Are you sure this is what Mom calls a cracker?"
Finalists from the pix list yesterday are:
"Hang on, Jigsaw! I"ll pull you to safety!!" from Rose
"Jigsaw, look into my eyes…you're getting sleepy, very sleepy." from Kevin and Amy
"More goodies will fit in it if we stretch it out really well!" from Katy
Jigsaw: "L.e.t. g.o."
Indy: "N.o."
Jigsaw: "I'm telling you Indy, it's not manly to wear this kind of hat; l.e.t. g.o."
Indy: "I.AM.too.manly.....MOOOOOOOOM!" from Linda
"If you can't even pull me onto the bed, how are we ever going to go mountain climbing?" from J.R.
"Just pull the string, and out pops a pom-pom cookie." from Sam
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye..." from HankToday, at the half-way point, Indy needs to take a bit of a rest - this has been hard work, you know! The 6th day of Christmas bloopers, basenji-style!
With the news from Connecticut the last few days, it somehow seems a bit trite to be doing this. But it is my sincere hope that those who have been affected by this tragedy might be able to pause for at least a little smile in this horrible time. Please know that the thoughts and prayers of people around the world are with you.
"I'm putting him in the stocking, 'cos he's all I really want, Mom…"
Yesterday's pix list finalists were:
"Look, Mom! His get up and go got up and went!" from Dawn
"Call 9-1-1!! I think he o d 'd on sugar cookies!" from Rose
"I guess I wore him out!!!" from Sue
"Mommmm, Indy ate ALL Santa's cookies and didn't even leave one for ME!" from Katy
"Hey! This is no time to rest! We gotta think up more mischief!!!" from Rea
"Now that Jigsaw has hypnotized Indy by rubbing his belly like a crocodile,
she can easily stuff him into his very own Christmas stocking." from Sam
"Too much candy." from Susan
""Look Mom, I pinned Indy! Where's my treat?" from Kevin and Amy
"He's asleep:) now it is mine…all mine!!!!" from Judy
"Jigsaw: "It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's a wild women with a camera!"
Indy: "Oh the horror, the horror!" <he faints="">" from LindaToday's wardrobe selection was a little less than popular. Their basenji pride looks a bit shattered. Don't worry - they recovered quickly. :-) The 7th day of Christmas bloopers - basenji style!
Indy: "Does my nose look red and shiny in this?"