Skin Issues?????
I don't know the reason or cause but I have smelt many a dogs ears that have a yeasty smell with a lot of build up that isn't only wax but more of a greasy goopy wax, in particular was a puggle who is sensative to environmental allergies. I do agree it's probably not so common in dogs with upright ears….it is a very distinct and pungent smell, ugh- makes me want to clean Oakleys ears out right now!!
Its quite possible that somewhere along the line your puppy came in contact with something that caused this reaction. So maybe it is just a contact allergy, You really are not going to know if its a life long allergy until it presents itself again. At least you are better prepared if there is a next time.
The shampoo you were told to use, probably exacerbated the rash. Sometimes its not a great idea to bathe a dog who has a rash for fear of spreading it. There is also the possibility of stripping away the natural oils on the skin which will make the rash itch more. Maybe the rash that your dog experienced was something that was spread similar to how poison ivy is spread on human skin.
We think its great that you actually found a competent vet. If you do not mind we would like to know the actual names of the antibiotics that were used. We would like store this information away just in case we have a similar experience.
Sometimes, owners suffer as much as their dogs when they see them in discomfort. Have faith, maybe this will not re-occur.
Great article for allergies and pet food as well as another one on pet food. Love that they mention the importance of rotating your protein sources
There are some different plants and herbs that can help with allergies - nettle for instance (I use it in capsul form but you can also do tea) is helpful wth allergies
After reading this post, and thinking about what you have experienced, we wonder if your dog possibly got into some poison Ivy or poison oak. While we have no experience ourselves, we have read that some dogs are susceptible to poison ivy. Maybe someone more experienced can add this post and tell us how susceptible Basenji's might be to this. It would also be good to know what symptoms show up and how to best treat them.
I don't know about all Basenjis, but mine have shown no sensitivity to poison ivy. Unfortunately, I do! Walking my guy down forest trails where there is a considerable amount of it, I ended up with rashes on a number of occasions…...and yes, I do know what it looks like and try to avoid it.......but my dog was unaffected. He does seem to have a seasonal problem with ragweed, however. (guessing a bit here, he hasn't been tested, but there appears to be a correlation that indicates a contact allergy, not airborne......he is affected when he runs through it in the fields, not if we stay away from it by walking on the road)
Just a quick update on Zola's skin condition. So she certainly has seasonal allergies. Poor girl. But….. after using her antibiotics, her skin looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! So the vet put her on Temaril-P which she has taken now for about 3 weeks. Temaril-P is known as "Benadryl on steroids" so now we are giving her the Temaril-P only 2 times a week, and we put the liquid from a benadryl gel cap in her food every night. She looks gorgeous!!!!! This combo should get her through allergy season. I am just so glad we figured this out.... and found a competent vet in the process!
Pertaining to your comment about a life long sufferer of allergies….may not be true. Canine pups go through a lot of hormonal changes before they are adults...(varies with breed, physically about 2 years +_) So, she may just outgrow them, hopefully!!!
Great article for allergies and pet food as well as another one on pet food. Love that they mention the importance of rotating your protein sources
There are some different plants and herbs that can help with allergies - nettle for instance (I use it in capsul form but you can also do tea) is helpful wth allergies
Thanks Mimi, good reading…I will pass it on to my clients for their information....
Shampoo and conditioners are great for aiding with symptoms, but they dont fix the problem and they only offer help for the short term, the number of times I've had clients come in with vet shampoos and have me do their dogs every week with the stupid things….. only help about half the time. You have to get the the cause or you wont get anywhere.
12 years grooming and I still havent found a shampoo or conditioner that really makes that much of a difference unless you are dealing with a yeast problem where once the yeast is killed off things start to improve. Regular allergies, dry skin and itching cant be cleared up with a shampoo or conditioner. -
I am going to get into this by only saying that if you give your baby benedryl then you can give as much as 1 mg per pound of body weight. It's a simple formula. 1 mg = 1 lb of body weight. I use it every day for my dogs due to allergies mine have to the bugs. My golden retriever takes 3 every day and can even be given twice a day if need be. This is the information I got from my vet whom I trust very much.
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