Okay question to breeders… WTH? Two on this thread with heats now in spring, and one in her 2nd heat. Is that usual? We got Arwen, she didn't go into heat at ALL (born end Oct, had spayed in early Sept). I had (wrongly it seems) assumed most waited til at least early fall for first heat. Will they then settle into yearly or if 2 first year indicates going to be 2x a year forever?
LOL on the crying for love on Youtube. When a bitch was in heat, my male Rottie howled for hours on end, slept a bit, howled more. It was hell. What was funny though is I had him and anywhere from 3 to 5 females. Obviously I didn't let him out with the one in heat but he'd go around continuously checking the others crying "is it you? is it you? is it you?" I was so happy to no longer have intact bitches.
Oh, and on the determination of dogs... i have heard of several being bred THROUGH the fence so even with great fencing, you have to supervise!