Sleeping with your dog
I would think most people here take better care of their pets then they do themselves.
So true. Of course, Kipawa is a Taste of the Wild boy. But what is funny is when I go through the grocery check out with all of this healthy dried fruit, unsalted trail mixes and veggies. When they ring in the dried blueberries, one of the gals always tells me (when seeing the price it rings through as) "do you really want these? They are pretty expensive". That's when I say to her, "oh, all of this healthy stuff is for my parrots".
Hmmm…I don't know...I had strep throat BEFORE I got Paco, and now that I have him, I haven't gotten it again. I want to argue that sleeping with pets actually prevents illness now!
If we all listened to all the warnings that come our way these days we would isolate ourselves like Bubble Boy and never leave the house, and never let anyone or anything in. I believe the more we are exposed to the stronger our immune systems get. I really worry about our children and grandchildren, who are kept from being anywhere the vicinity of anything even slightly likely to give them colds, or the flu or anything else - and they stuff antibiotics in them like candy - no common sense any more. My dogs will sleep with us, and hopefully, we won't give THEM any diseases.
Arwen, ROFLMAO, no joke!
My turn…I don't sleep with my dogs...but I do dooze off and snuggle with them lots :);)...since Pippin's moved in we have had company in our bed between 5 and 6 am mainly for me to get in one more hour of sleep but also because I love to snuggle with puppy breath and needle teeth.....the thing about salmonella and all those can get that from eating tomatoes, spinach and even jalapenos in this country...shoot even breating the air here in Houston might be fatal...but Anne said it best..
I can't sleep without them, so if they kill me with disease, at least I'll be rested.
jan 21, 2011