Running with pup?
Welcome, and congrats on your new "addition", lol. I'm not sure what the right age is to start running, but you can start getting her adjusted to the leash, and to your commands, right away, in my view.
Do you have pictures? Have you named her yet? :)
Welcome to our insanity. Definitely a good insanity, but insanity nonetheless. :)
Have no particular knowledge for Bs (how's that for a statement on a basenji forum? :p) but I have always run/jogged with my dogs when they were puppies (deerhound/lurcher cross, collie, lab). I start taking them when they're about four months, just to get them used to the idea that when running on leash, they can't sniff everywhere, and we start running properly when they're about five and a half months old. I think the important thing is not to let them run flat out for sustained periods: a trot is OK, however. You jog, they trot. They shouldn't be running at speed for more than short bursts until they're at least 9 months old to a year (depending on the breed, the line, etc.).
My twopence-worth… -
Hey all, I'll be getting my first basenji pup January 7th, she'll be about 18 weeks old by then. I've done a ton of reading and whatnot and my only question (at this point at least) is how long before I can start taking the lil troublemaker for runs alongside me? I know they're fast so I'm wondering if this is even possible since I'll definitely be slower than she will be at top speed ha ha. One of my books said waiting 8 months before trying to jog/run with the puppy since her body won't be fully developed and prepared for the stress of running til then. I'm also concerned she might get the idea that every time we go outside is running time, which I certainly don't want to be the case. Thoughts?
Welcome to the Forum…who are you getting your Basenji from? Many of us are related by our Basenjis here on the Forum. Are you in No or So Cal? If No California, consider joining us at some of our club functions, visit at
I wouldn't run with a very young puppy as I tend to allow mine as much (or as little) exercise as they want. They know better than us when they've had enough. When one is running it's difficult to assess this.
and if you run on pavement it can be hard on their growing bodies.
I started running with mine at about a yr old. I used to run 5K races with our first basenji girl keisha in Tx on a regular basis, she loved it and never had a problem, I would let her have a drink at each of the water stations along the run.
I have been told that you shoudn't exercise your puppy until it has grown up.
I would say 10-12 months would fit for jogging several km.But from 4-5-6 months you can start learning the pup the commands that you want,
example powerwalk a few 100 meters instead of jogging just so she/he learn how to do :)Good Luck :)
I walked Paco even when he was just a few months old because he was so full of energy…I tried jogging short bursts, but he was so prone to random stops to sniff and cutting across my path that I stopped for fear of falling over on him.
He seemed to love the walks, as long as they weren't too long. Once I took him on a long walk and carried him around my shoulders back home after he laid down and refused to go on.
In sweden they say at puppyobedience class that 5 minutes walkning / month of age.
So if the puppy is 5 months you can walk about 25 minutes just walking in leash/day (It doesn't count the playing and other thing you do with the puppy.)
Thats not printed in stone but maybe a guidance of who to exercise a puppy :)
I agree with a lot of people in regards to this thread- a year seems right to me, I run in the morning nowadays but when the puppy comes a walk will do..
Gorgeous! I have a soft spot for brindle Basenji's. :) Congrats on the new addition!
Congratulations…she sure is pretty...I too have a soft spot for brindles...
I just started running with my pup Malu. He's about 5.5 months. I'm really out of shape so we are out for about 20-25 mins that includes occasional breaks to walk. I really would have to push myself to have him anywhere near a full run, as mentioned above, its more of a trot for him if I am jogging at a moderate pace.
As long as you are paying attention to the pup, you should be fine. If he decides he doesn't want to run anymore, stop and walk (that's what we do). When he has play dates with some of his friends he is moving much faster than our dogjog pace for longer periods of time. I can't see jogging with a pup that harmful as long as you aren't forcing the issue.