Where's AJ #19
I have no clue, but I am so glad you are back, missed you both lots. Great picture of AJ by the way…:):):)
Is the movie Tombstone? Are you in or near Arizona though it looks like Arches National Park in Utah???
Valley of Fire State Park - Route 169, Overton, Nevada, USA?
My suggestion came from the movie Star Trek Generations, they filmed there. So I doubt that that's the movie you are thinking of…lol
I love guessing so let me try again. Is it Moab Utah and is the movie Thelma and Louise. That is in/near arches national park. thanks for the fun and the lovely photo of AJ.:D
What about City Slickers
could the movie be city slickers I think thelma and louise is too early for that time frame.
It is Moab, Utah. Arches National Park is about 3 miles north of town. The photo, though, was shot at Wilson's arch some 25 odd miles south of town. It would be dumb to try to drive a semi up Arches Park road.
The movie reference is a little more obscure. The film I was referencing is Slaughter of the Innocents with Scott Glenn as the lead. In this film, the bad guy lives in or around Moab and is tracked there by some lateral thinking and Biblical reference to Moabites…and with the assistance of the lead character's son. It's quite good for an eerie thriller film.
yea, well, the only thing that came to my mind was Bridge to Terabethia and I was pretty sure that wasn't right.
thanks for the virtual sightseeing!
Fun fun, can't wait for the next one. But what is an arctic?
AJ's truck is a 25 foot (appr 6 m) three-axle tractor that hooks by a "fifth wheel" assembly to a 53 foot (appr 16 m) trailer. I suppose that since the trailer articulates with the tractor via the fifth wheel, it would then be an "artic." It's the first time I've heard that term also.
Learn something new every day.