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Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • @pedro:

    and as for you calling me lazy or ignorance you might want to go back to whenyou started out on do this!! you shure wasn't born a pro at it!!. and as far as laziness you couldn't keep up with my daily life style!!.

    Obviously, no good deed goes unpunished. I was trying to make you feel better for all the others (Tanza & Lvoss) who you thought were being mean, only to find you have flipped opinions completely. Suddenly, I'm the bad guy & they are the good guys. You have a screw loose.
    The only reason I spent so long last night typing that initial long post is because I STILL REMEMBER what its like to be BRAND NEW to this because I still consider myself BRAND NEW. The difference is, I took the initiative to find a mentor rather than whining on & on about a single issue on the forum. I STILL seek out more mentors (met two more this past weekend), I STILL ask a million questions of anybody who will sit still long enough to listen and answer. On a scale of 1-10 for basenji knowledge, I consider myself a 3. So I will not personally breed my dog by myself until I can consider myself an 8 or 9 at least. I'm still not a pro, and doubt I ever will be. That's why I don't breed.

    And you are clearly not learning, not even little by little. Before you post anything else at all to anybody about anything, i highly recommend you actually READ and CONSIDER this entire thread several times until you actually understand it.

    I feel like we're all banging our heads against a wall. I'm done with this thread. It is futile and stupid.

  • "pedro" writes and acts like a 12 year old with nothing better to do than to troll the forum and cause problems. I do not think you are a real adult nor do I think you are truly here for conversation. Please, go elsewhere to get your jollies.

  • Andrew ,sorry your not the bad guy!!!. The only thng is i ever know about the breed in any medical situation was the hip, and fanconi!!. That all anybody has really told me about the breed till i got on here!!!. Please except my apolige!! I'm very sorry.! And taza and lovss has been telling me thang with out being mad at me for asking!.i have been trying more and more sinc i got him to know the breed more to learn more!!. But i can't find very much about them or when i do i take to someone that does know the breed of saying they do and don't mitchen any thing you guys have told me !! Really i 'm finding tings to be more and more difficalt in the breed and it has changed my mine a bit!!. Don't thank your not helping !, because you really are!!.i'm starting to thank i will just get a rescue one but i'd like to get a puppy!!. , if that is posible to do !??> please except my apoligy here!.i'm (very ,very sorry!!!.) if there is any other information you 3 have please send them to me !, because i don't really know where to go to get the information!!!.

  • I haven't asked you for your input crab a~~!! Yodeldogs

  • i have to get off here for a feww so i can strech my daughter's leg's for her theraphy!.

  • @pedro:

    I haven't asked you for your input crab a~~!! Yodeldogs

    I know I said I wouldn't post anymore, but seriously this is the last one.

    Yodeldogs IS my mentor. She has spent countless hours with me through e-mail, on the phone and in person at dog shows, lure coursing, on long distance trips to basenji specialties and in her own home teaching me, showing me, being patient with me, and giving me absolutely every single bit of knowledge she possibly has to give me. We have shown both of our girls at the same show where she cheered just as much for my own dog as hers.
    She is what Tanza or Lvoss would be to me if I lived on the same coast as them. She's just the only one with enough guts to voice what we all thought, but she did it in a more pleasant way than the rest of us would have.
    Seriously. No more posts from me. But I had to defend YodelDogs.

  • These disorders have been mentioned before in this and the other thread. You are not reading posts carefully. You are just hitting reply without fully digesting what is being said.

    I am sure this link has been posted before but here it is again, It is the BCOA's page on health concerns in the basenji breed and it includes detailed information about each disease and testing.

    Then take break, buy the ABC's of Dog Breeding and read it, email some breeders and owners, and just sit back and really take it in for awhile before just jumping to hit reply.

  • well, no one on here needs to be craby to me because i'm asking questions.!!.

  • thanks there ! the first time you send something to me it wouldn't come up!!. but it did this time!!!!!!!. thanks. !

  • @YodelDogs:

    "pedro" writes and acts like a 12 year old with nothing better to do than to troll the forum and cause problems. I do not think you are a real adult nor do I think you are truly here for conversation. Please, go elsewhere to get your jollies.

    mte!… crab @~~ !! Ha, ha...feel better soon!

  • Keep in mind that you will not be able to register any pups produced with the American Kennel Club or the United Kennel Club which are the only legit registries. The rest are made up so that pure for profit breeders can say their puppies have papers. They are of not more use that the paper they are printed on. So just in that respect you would not be a responsible breeder.

    And you have been given many links within this thread of sites to visit and learn about the breed, health concerns, etc. that you have not taken advantage of doing so.

  • @pedro:

    and as for you calling me lazy or ignorance you might want to go back to whenyou started out on do this!! you shure wasn't born a pro at it!!.

    You are correct, none of us were pro's at it… HOWEVER, the difference is we found ourselves a mentor to learn from BEFORE we ever considered breeding anything.

  • thanks tanza i just didn't thank it would be that hard in breeding a dog!. now that i have been looking at all the stuff that go with it, exspecialy on the health !! you are right!!!! thank's alot for being nice and respectful to me over all this!!.i have changed my mine on breeding him!!!. but i would like to get a playmate for him. and everyone here have said it's best with differnt sexs!! but i'm not ready to breed thats'for sure!!!!!!!> i have to find a mentor!!. it would be great to find one. i'll have to look into getting a nother basenji after i get him fixed, but is it better to get him fixed or would it be better to the female fixed?? because i have heard that it takes off 3- 6 yrs. off his lifeline to fix a male dog of any kind!>?

  • It is best to have any non-breeding animals fixed.

  • The only studies I have seen about lifespan and being intact were done on mice and showed that neutered mice lived longer than intact mice.

    Once the growth plates are closed which Pedro's would be there is no reason why to keep him intact. As has been stated before the reduced testerone levels will greatly reduce the chance of fights at the dog park even those initiated by other dogs.

  • that i have fou nd to not be true!! the one dalmation and the doberman where fixed and both charged at little man!!. so i guess it depends on the dog it self on that one.

  • you know i might just get 2 more pup's and have them all fixed!!.. i thanks that might be a great idea!!.

  • @pedro:

    that i have fou nd to not be true!! the one dalmation and the doberman where fixed and both charged at little man!!. so i guess it depends on the dog it self on that one.

    Actually, it was probably the fact that your dog is intact and smells of testosterone that contributes to these incidents. One reason that many dog parks do not allow intact dogs is that even if they are not aggressively seeking fights they tend to be at the center of many dog park fights.

  • i didn't even thank of the smell of testosterone!! dau!! i really feel stupid now!. they have sutch a hight smell too !! i would love to be able to have there eyes, smell.and hearing! it would be great to have!. it could have been!! the guy said he never seen his dog do that before too!!.

  • Pat and Lisa, you 2 need an award. I got tired just reading this. If Pedro is listening, you have the best advice you will every have. Please, quit posting and re read all the stuff sent to you…then re read it again.
    ALL you need has been sent.
    You just need to "get it".
    *this isn't a slam" I am also suspecting there is some mis communication here.
    But please, if your a troll, leave us be, we are trying to help people.


10 Mar 2010, 20:12

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