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Aggresiveness toward other animals at meal time?

Basenji Talk
  • I agree, this rolling an angry basenji is just asking for trouble.

  • FEED the dogs in the crates with the door closed - if you don't have enough bowls - go to good will and I bet you can find something there that would work OR get them in their own crate with a treat and feed as a bowl is available.

    You were very lucky that you did not get hurt - and then the dog would be at fault for your mistake. Please please pleas - we have years and years and dogs and dogs of experience here - use the easy fix and seperate the dogs when you feed.

    A piece of dropped food will be easily resolved a whole food bowl - can really provoke a fight.

  • @sarahlorrain:

    Lady has begun to show agressiveness to our other animals (dog and cats both) at mealtime. She isn't like this to us or the kids though. Today she was snarling and yapping at one of the other animals (I can't remember which one now). I can't even remember whether she was eating or just wanted the other animal to get away from the food. I put her in her cage and put the food bowl right next to it. I let our dog eat right there in front of here and said NO! when she started to get upset. She quit it pretty quickly and finally laid down and just watched him eat until he was done. I then let her out and let her eat. I don't think this method is the best, because I don't really want her to think her cage is a punishment (it's for keeping her contained while we aren't here and while she sleeps.) I thought about getting a shock collar with a remote control or something and only putting food out at certain times of the day in separate bowls. I could then reprimand her if she became hostile. I considered only feeding the animals separately, but you never know when food will fall on the floor cost and she'll beat someone up over it. What do you guys recommend I do?

    hi, ti all depends on who was first in the house!! and you have to be alfpa!!. not the animals. my basenji was the first pet in the house when i moved in then got a kitten, i got the same thang out of my dog with his food. do i put the cat in a cage and put his food by there. and when he would snarel and snap, i would say no!, and take his food away and wait a little bit and give it back it took 4 days to do this but it has worked !! atleast with the cat. i'm looking into getting a female blk&wht basenji then well have to do this all over again. but the female will be put in the cage not the male !!.because of the ladder statis. all animals have a stauis ladder is what i call it exsample : me alpha, daughter next in line, then my boy, then the cat , then the new basenji.that's how i have my pack in this form. and it has worked out very well sofar!!. try it and let me know., but dont't get mad at him/ wont help !!.

  • I think the worst possible thing to do is apply aggression to a Basenji in response to their aggression. I have seen basenjis turn savage because every time they growled or went for another dog they were hit. And I find that people who do this tend not to listen when advised not to do it. The attitude often is - It's my dog.
    I am also surprised to hear of people suggesting to give a Basenji an 'alpha roll'. I do think that the TV does a lot of damage in this respect. People see this being performed with apparent good effect on some dogsbut are never shown what could happen if a dog reacts badly to this.

    I'm so glad that there are such sensible people on this forum giving excellent advice and hope that everyone with Basenji problems recognises that it is.

  • Pedro, I want to tell you, I think your telling us you are doing something you have heard from TV. Please, TV is fine for a lot of things, but training dogs, dealing with behavior issues, isn't the place to get your only info.
    Dogs deal with aggression from humans with aggression. If you notice, the best behaved dogs are calm and know the human will be calm and consistant. Overdoing punishments only makes the dog feel that your not in control.
    There are many ways to help a dog turn around any behaviors that are not acceptable.
    Anything harsh, will NOT work..please, trust me, it won't.
    You need to help your dog learn to talk to you, and you need to learn to talk to your dog.
    This only comes about with calm, consistant behaviors from the human.
    Honestly, we are so happy you found us and we are really trying to help you bond with your doesn't take a hard hand, it takes a soft hand with consistant rules.

  • thanks guys and i will take your advice!!. but i need help and there are no dog trainers in my area that have been or know the basenji breed! it's like im on my owne out here.

  • if you had a basenji that was attacted by a doberman what would you guys do to turn his attitude around ., so i can take him to the dog park and play with other dobermans. it's hard not to spank him when he trys to go on a head hunt of the doberman meaning he will try to fallow and start a fight with that dog and only that dog ! like he's trying to prove a point to the other dog!!. just don't know what to do!!!!!!!?????????

  • Pedro, please, never, never hit your dog with your hand. Its just such a way for the dog to learn to distrust you. Honest…no hitting...
    Re your question on trainers. Did you ask your vet? Most vets have puppy training classes. I would do that first.
    I can tell you love your b and you want to help make him the dog to bond with you.
    We all here would like to help that happen as well.

  • i will never spank him again!!. now that i know even more on the breed!!!> i will have to check with my vet. but i don't thank he's got time for stuff like that. he's a young guy!!. coukld you guy on here help me find someone close to here that has a basenji ?> i need sooo much help i'm going crazy here!. i just did the ofa test today to.!1 i have my fingers crossed that he's clear. i want another basenji but i can't aford another 600-800. ! if i could fine one for 300. and keep them both as a pet and not breed i would do it in a heart beat!!. but there all so exspencive pet or show basenji. i'm looking for a black and white female.!but not to breed! i thank i'm done with that for now till i know more!!. and see some basenji shows!. but my daughters b'day is comming in april and i'm trying my hardest to fine a blk& white female basenji for her because she loves the colors. and the breed too.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> i guess i have to brake her hart and tell her i can't find one for her b day!.

  • Why don't you get your boy neutered and then apply for a rescue? It may take awhile before your perfect black and white girl comes along but that will give you time to find a trainer and work with your boy so you are ready when she get there.

    There are many rescues that never even get posted so your best bet is to get your application in and get your home visit done so when a good match comes into rescue you will be all ready.

  • cant fin the page now! what do you mean by rollin a basenji??>

  • i was looking to get a baby so i can train them together. it might help him more too.

  • i would and have looked at brats but there to much!!!!!! and there are hardlyever in my area whatch is mich.

  • Pedro, thank you for wanting to be the very best basenji dad you can be.
    Re your vet, just call and ask the girl at the desk. They have folks call all the time to
    find gentle training for their dogs. Let us know how it goes.
    Also, when your b is doing something you don't like, get a water bottle and squirt him.
    It wont' hurt him and it will let him know your not happy.

  • Re BRAT, often there are dogs that are not posted on the site in your area, you need to fill out an on line ap and go from there.
    Re having 2 basenji babies, I think that is not the way to go. Basenjis watch trained dogs in the house to learn the house rules, so if you want a good basenji, you work with your boy to become one, then add a second dog, who will watch your boy to learn.
    B's learn by watching the dog in the house.

  • k!!! i'll try that ! but it's mama not dad !! he! he ! he! i know it's the name it's a guys name. it's my boy's Bs name really!!. i already have a name for a female puppy when i get one ! kimba, like thed old cartoon of the wite lion!!

  • well it will take a 1-2 yr. but i might by then be mover out in a house and have more then just 2 maybe 5!! then i dont'have to go to the park for them to run and play with each other!!, and got out to my cousints'huge yard to let then play in the summer.!! that would be vety cool!!!!>

  • thanks alot everyone for more help with my basenji boy!! it mean a lot to me!. heading in for the night now church in the morning. thanks again all!!!!!!!!

  • hi does anybody here know who bojack's undercover kojak thepwner of him??.

  • oops here it is right way BOJAK'S UNDERCOVER KOJAK!!

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