Does your Basenji snore?
Mister Two Dicks snores every night. However, on occasion when he is sleeping on the couch next to me he will begin to snore. The crazy thing is that while he is snoring, both his eyes are open and he is looking straight at me. Do other basenjis snore with their eyes open???
My first Basenji used to sleep on my bed and at times snore so loud I could not get to sleep.:D
Mister Two Dicks snores every night. However, on occasion when he is sleeping on the couch next to me he will begin to snore. The crazy thing is that while he is snoring, both his eyes are open and he is looking straight at me. Do other basenjis snore with their eyes open???
Cody snores, and he sleeps with his eyes open, but I haven't noticed him snoring with his eyes open. I think it would be a little less creepy if he did though. Sometimes I can't tell if he's sleeping or just staring at the ceiling until I shake him awake (then he looks at me like I'm evil, sighs, and goes back to sleep), so snoring would help, lol!
Sometimes Abanda snores. But it isnt silent or restful snoring, she snores like an old man :D.
Otis snores before he gets into his deep sleep at night, like around 10:30-11:00 or so..and yes, it usually keeps me awake..
he does this until all of a sudden he of course I have to get up and make sure he didn't die..every'd think I'd get used to it. -
Zoey snores sometimes so loud i'm amazed such a sound can come out of that little body.
Abbey only snores if she's curled up with her nose tucked under her hind leg. Otherwise she sleeps like a corpse. Sometimes I give her a little poke just to be sure….
Roxy snores, but its very light, and cute :)
Aurora snores very loudly and then sometimes does a little throaty gurgle/snort thing. Like she has flem in her throat. Never wakes up though. Cody snores more quietly but then recently at 2 am (of course) woke me up doing a full throated yodel. Since he almost never makes noise this startled me out of bed an into the living room where he was asleep. He was just finishing his yodel, blinked his eyes a couple of times and curled back up and went to sleep. Does anyone else's sleep yodel?
Cody snores more quietly but then recently at 2 am (of course) woke me up doing a full throated yodel. Since he almost never makes noise this startled me out of bed an into the living room where he was asleep. He was just finishing his yodel, blinked his eyes a couple of times and curled back up and went to sleep.
That is so funny.