We almost lost Buana last night
Last night while watching tv, Buana was chewing on a bone.. The other dogs were sleeping on the couch.
Suddenly Buana began to make a weird noice an we immediately went to him.
He was choking:eek::(
We first try to softly clap him on his chest to see if it maybe came out.
But no.. it didn?t came out :(
Kas put his hand in Buana?s mouth to check if he could get "someting" out of his mouth… but also that didn't work..Buana began to panic (so were we) and he couln't stand normal on his legs anymore..
We HAD to do someting... So I put my arms around his tummy and make some firm movements up.. But also that did not work..In our panic we didn't knew what to do next, Buana was getting worse and very pale, it was very painfull to see our baby like that.
I ran over to my bookcase and pulled out a medical book to read what we could do after nothing normal worked..I read it to Kas en he did what I said... He grabbed Buana by his hindlegs (close to his body) and he had to lift him totally in the air and move him from left to right..
Buana became gray in his mouth and his eyes were large, it had to work and it had to work fast!
For the first seconds it didn't work but after some seconds (that seemed hours to us) a very large piece of chewingbone came out...
We put him on the couch, made him calm and he began to breeth again..
First a bit shocking but soon normal again, we put him on kas his lap and checked everyting.
He was weak but al the checks were oke.. (his hartbeat, his breathing, his crt everything.)
After a couple of minuts he came back to normal and wanted to walk a bit, then play a bit (he is crazy) we kept him calm and warm for a few hours.
It could not have lasted a few minuts longer...
Checked him every hour or two (you have to look out for shock or internal bleeding)Everyting was oke... our baby survived...
And we? We were so scared to loose him... I kept talking "My baby! My baby"
And both of us kept talking to Buana "Come on boy, COME ON!"Today he is acting like nothing happened, healthy and playful...
I threw away ALL the chewing bones, don't want these for a while but I can't stop thinking about that it could ended up wrong yesterday..
I think that is normal... -
Oh lord, that was intense reading! Gizmo too choked once, but on food. Heimlich worked for me, boy am I glad you had that medical book!
What kind of bone was it?
For Gizmo it was "back on the horse", and he actually was far more careful after. I can imagine it would be the same way with Buana.
I am so happy everything ended well!
Oh lord, that was intense reading! Gizmo too choked once, but on food. Heimlich worked for me, boy am I glad you had that medical book!
What kind of bone was it?
For Gizmo it was "back on the horse", and he actually was far more careful after. I can imagine it would be the same way with Buana.
I am so happy everything ended well!
It was a rawhide, we always have some rawhide bones lying around the house so the dogs can chew on it when they want to..
Glad that heimlick worked for you, it's very scary to be in such a situation…@ Janneke:
I think the boys are just too fanatic or someting... :confused: -
Wow! Great quick thinking! You and Kas are heroes for saving your boy.
Regarding rawhides, I stopped keeping them around last time AJ got sick from eating one. The only chews he gets now are natural beef bones. He has a rib bone I gave him from a bbq dinner about 6 months ago and a sterilized femur segment stuffed with fake peanut butter. He'll chew on them for a while and lose them in his bed. Then he gets all excited when they turn up again, like "Is it my birthday?"
Oh my goodness! That was quite a scare!! I'm glad everything turned out okay. I wonder what your other two dogs thought as Buana was being swung by his hind legs. :eek:
Kim I am so sorry this happen. So very happy that you had the medical book and could save Buana. I know that was bad for all of you. Give Buana a big hug from us here in Kansas tell him we also think he is special. I hope all of you have a good day please keep us todate on how he is feeling.
Rita Jean
it was scary just reading that! i'm glad he's okay.
I agree, just reading it was scary. Thank goodness for your quick thinking! I'm glad he is alright.
Thanks all for you kind words :)
Kim I am so sorry this happen. So very happy that you had the medical book and could save Buana. I know that was bad for all of you. Give Buana a big hug from us here in Kansas tell him we also think he is special. I hope all of you have a good day please keep us todate on how he is feeling.
Rita Jean
Thanks so much, I will hug him :)
He is acting like nothing happened, he is happy, lazy and smiling again..
He was eating fine and as far as I can check, his whole body is oke…
We were on time... -
Please see the thread
http://www.basenjiforums.com/showthread.php?t=7475&page=3Emergency procedures for dogs
I used to give those rawhide chews to my last 2 Bs in the 90s but stopped as they get into small pcs and they would try to swallow them and then start gagging. No chews, no pigs ears, no hooves and no bones. They break into small pcs and if you are not there it's too dangerous. It's a good thing you were there!
I used to give those rawhide chews to my last 2 Bs in the 90s but stopped as they get into small pcs and they would try to swallow them and then start gagging. No chews, no pigs ears, no hooves and no bones. They break into small pcs and if you are not there it's too dangerous. It's a good thing you were there!
Sterilized Beef Bones. They are quite durable. Kananga has 4, yes 4, laying around whenever he needs something to chew on. These things can be thrown at a brick wall and they'd probably stay intact. I don't even bother filling them with anything. He prefers his unfilled Kong. :o