Only my two tris have used me for teething. My toes were never safe from Trog. They are not bad on puddles but I have to be 100% sure they are empty when I crate them or I come home to brindles
Yeah, Cairo will do the same to a blanket in there if he can't get the door open. He hardly ever goes in the baby cage more than a couple times a week, no more than ten minutes at a time.
Great photos. I love the way their markings are arranged in the first, Cyder has half white on his neck and Roo has half dark face. Nice alignment int he photo. They look like they really like each other.
What a thoughtful thing for a basenji to do! Carrying mouthfuls for the others to share for their picnic is quite gentlemanly! I'm sure the extra they were eating "not at mealtime" will do them no harm, whereas the cameraderie enjoyed by the group will last forever.