Shame on eBay
There is no reason why EBay couldn't adopt a policy similar to Craigslist which only allows posting rescues or dogs/cats needing rehoming. There is still some abuse of this but they allow their users to report posts that are in violation of their policy and seem to do a pretty good job of following up.
We all know that a free ad on the internet means the potential user base AND audience is much, much larger. Though Kijiji classifieds mainly target localized communities, they could reach international audiences, like puppyfind or
I have advertised my puppies on puppyfind and so do other responsible breeders, whether or not they may have puppies available. Puppyfind is one of the largest and most promoted puppy sales places on the internet and it's exactly where the majority of novice potential puppy buyers will go to. If the only ads the potential buyer sees are those placed by BYBs and mills then that is who they will contact. If they see ads placed by responsible breeders who mention health testing etc, they will start to see a difference between different types of breeders and my go on to make informed decisions about where their next pet will come from. The same can be said for free advertising places on the internet such as ebay classifieds.
I have advertised my puppies on puppyfind and so do other responsible breeders, whether or not they may have puppies available. Puppyfind is one of the largest and most promoted puppy sales places on the internet and it's exactly where the majority of novice potential puppy buyers will go to. If the only ads the potential buyer sees are those placed by BYBs and mills then that is who they will contact. If they see ads placed by responsible breeders who mention health testing etc, they will start to see a difference between different types of breeders and my go on to make informed decisions about where their next pet will come from. The same can be said for free advertising places on the internet such as ebay classifieds.
I see. Everyone I know of who has found their pet on (primarily talking about shibas here) ended up with a less than responsible breeder, so my impression of the site was based on that. But since it varies, I shouldn't discount the site entirely.
Still, I don't think that most "novice" puppy buyers can even begin to make informed decisions unless it becomes mandatory to disclose that information (or the fact that you don't have it). Craigslist is an example that I've observed for some time. Every day, every hour, there are so many ads that simply list breed, the fact that they have PUPPIEZ!!!!111!!1, a phone number/e-mail. Not even a price. A lot of BYB and "oops" litter pet owners do this because they know they're going to get flagged, so why put much effort into the ad? And a lot of sellers never even bother to think about the answers to questions that most responsible breeders would take as second nature in the process. Yet, these puppies DO sell! Often, very quickly…
... My point is, it's within eBay's power to take an active approach and change their policies, as they did for their auction site. At the beginning, you COULD sell animals on eBay. You could get away with selling a LOT of stuff on eBay, but they cleaned things up, as it were. They can do the same for the classifieds site, now that it's theirs. For example, a seller shouldn't be able to post a pet listing unless they fill out a number of answers to questions that informed buyers should be asking. Knowing the types of questions to ask is part of what makes an informed buyer, and so the listing format itself can be instructive.
Even this forum has some basic guidelines for posting litters and puppies for sale. It's not beyond eBay's means to clearly define and moderate their online classifieds. "Free" shouldn't mean exempt from regulation. Why not hold them to higher standards than the local newspaper?
hey guys
i make my living selling on ebay and the money i make helps to pay for the food in sebastians bowl and the roof over his head, and once hes adopted it will help pay for the next foster i take in.
so while boycotting ebay might be the first reaction you have it might be good to think twice about it?
just thought id point this out :) -
Better to write and protest to me than boycott.
This online petition has gained some momentum. Perhaps it will get eBay CEOs' attention. I signed it.
Here are some blog posts that give some background info: -
I am glad so many here are better than those posting dogs online.
Kijiji {though bought out by Ebay] still has the same policies.
I posted my mix puppies on there as I wanted to post them somewhere and had many local, Portland, inquiries on them. Since I don't use the Oregonian to place ads, this was a very easy place to post.
I found it better than CL because on CL, there are morons that have nother better to do than flag ads that should stay up to find homes for pups.