Extreme makover ala GS
wrote on 13 Feb 2010, 22:59 last edited by
Well, I decided that Kahlo will have to wear a coat if it is going to continue with this cold. Everyone askes if she is a Briard - and just nods and "mhmmm" when I say that she is a Giant Schnauzer - so time for trim.
So we start projekt "Exstrem makeover ala Schnauzer" and every projeckt has a "befor" picture:
However - I didn't finish so we'll have to manage with pictures of the prosess:
One more.. (yes - she does hate me)
And, where is Kasko when Kahlo is getting tortured? Being bad of course. My grooming box had to die…
"whaaat? It was like this, I promise! I just lay here eating someting…"
And next time I turned around:
And after about 4 hours of Kahlo torture:
Still have a couple of hours ahead of me.As a reward for good behavior Kahlo got a walk of leash - and then som playtime with Kasko:
Never a boring moment with a Giant and a Basenji. :D
wrote on 13 Feb 2010, 23:04 last edited by
She's now half Briard, half Schnauzer :D Sort of Designer dog :D ;)
Kasko is a true basenji.. :) Very naughty..
wrote on 13 Feb 2010, 23:18 last edited by
Love the pictures!
I had the luck to trim a briard once… great.. I think you will spend as much time with the schnauzer as with a briard :D (a long time)
wrote on 13 Feb 2010, 23:21 last edited by
A long time it is… Auch my back. I normally use 4-5 houres - but this time it takes longer since she should have been stripped 2 moths ago. If i had used the clipper instead of handstripping her it would take 2 hours max.
wrote on 13 Feb 2010, 23:39 last edited by
She's so pretty…looks like she went to the beauty shop.
And he's such a scamp!
It's great to see them getting along so well. :)
wrote on 14 Feb 2010, 03:26 last edited by
That is a LOT of hair on the floor! I prefer the grooming of the basenji, ha!
And seeing the pup sleeping in your destroyed grooming box…priceless. They look like a good pair of playmates. -
wrote on 14 Feb 2010, 08:21 last edited by
Kahlo looks wonderful!
And about Kasko, isn't he a Basenji? :D:D:D -
Love the pictures and the comments..Kahlo is looking great and Kasko is simply adorable even in his mischief…
When I had a westie in Sweden (1976-1990) we would have him hand stripped as well, but once I got a westie here in the states, finding a good stripper here was very hard, every groomer here i houston (that I found and interviewed) would use a clipper and just make westies look horrible..hmmm ;( .
I never did learn how to do it on my own..
Now, with all short haired breeds in the house..grooming is easy..I love that. -
wrote on 14 Feb 2010, 16:01 last edited by
Yeah i almost never see american schanuzers handstripped - Don't know why really. Lots of giants gets clipped here to, but Kahlo has to soft an curly coat so I dont want it to get softer and curlier.
Now I have used another hour or so on her - and still have loads left - im just SO glad i decided on basenji as "dog nr 2" I don't think I could handle one more breed that needs grooming.
wrote on 14 Feb 2010, 16:11 last edited by
Can't wait to see the finished Dog Anette
wrote on 14 Feb 2010, 16:13 last edited by
They both just look GREAT together I just love seeing them together. They make a great pair.
Rita Jean
wrote on 14 Feb 2010, 19:28 last edited by
wrote on 14 Feb 2010, 19:43 last edited by
Wow! You did a great job! She looks very "Schnauzer" again! :D
wrote on 14 Feb 2010, 19:46 last edited by
She looks very pretty, her coat is lovely and shiny
wrote on 15 Feb 2010, 15:03 last edited by
She looks vey handsome :D
Good job Anette. She looks great.