Extreme makover ala GS
Well, I decided that Kahlo will have to wear a coat if it is going to continue with this cold. Everyone askes if she is a Briard - and just nods and "mhmmm" when I say that she is a Giant Schnauzer - so time for trim.
So we start projekt "Exstrem makeover ala Schnauzer" and every projeckt has a "befor" picture:
However - I didn't finish so we'll have to manage with pictures of the prosess:
One more.. (yes - she does hate me)
And, where is Kasko when Kahlo is getting tortured? Being bad of course. My grooming box had to die…
"whaaat? It was like this, I promise! I just lay here eating someting…"
And next time I turned around:
And after about 4 hours of Kahlo torture:
Still have a couple of hours ahead of me.As a reward for good behavior Kahlo got a walk of leash - and then som playtime with Kasko:
Never a boring moment with a Giant and a Basenji. :D
Love the pictures and the comments..Kahlo is looking great and Kasko is simply adorable even in his mischief…
When I had a westie in Sweden (1976-1990) we would have him hand stripped as well, but once I got a westie here in the states, finding a good stripper here was very hard, every groomer here i houston (that I found and interviewed) would use a clipper and just make westies look horrible..hmmm ;( .
I never did learn how to do it on my own..
Now, with all short haired breeds in the house..grooming is easy..I love that. -
Yeah i almost never see american schanuzers handstripped - Don't know why really. Lots of giants gets clipped here to, but Kahlo has to soft an curly coat so I dont want it to get softer and curlier.
Now I have used another hour or so on her - and still have loads left - im just SO glad i decided on basenji as "dog nr 2" I don't think I could handle one more breed that needs grooming.
Can't wait to see the finished Dog Anette
She looks very pretty, her coat is lovely and shiny
Good job Anette. She looks great.