Poor Gizmo, he just likes to live on the edge, doesn't he.. Our dachshund does that as well, with raw meat and bones..inhales them whole, idiot..Our newbie, Moses, inhales his food as well, he is on kibble still, so I am thinking about what to do for that..
There are food bowls for dogs that inhale their food, at least here in the states ( let me know and I will send you one, if you want), here are some sites..
or just google and see what you find. I know some people even put large rocks, big enough so they can't be swallowed, in the bottom of the bowl, that way the dog has to slow down a little bit as well.
Hm, looks interesting. I see what they pretty much do is just divide up the food into smaller portions slowing down the time it takes to finnish. But I don't see how it can stop the dog from sucking the food down.
The thing is, this is what I have been doing for 3 days now since I started with dry food. I have been feeding him small amounts from my hand.
It was this that he choked on. He sucked down a very small amount, maybe 5-7 small food pieces.
I think I will go back to soaking the food, at least a little bit so they are just a bit soggy on the outside. At least that way they are "lubricated" and go down easier.