Basenji male in Dallas, GA - Help please!!!!
He looks heartbreakingly sad in that photo.:( I hope he finds an appropriate forever home.
Yes, it's pretty depressing for any animal to end up in a shelter. You look at those pics of him and wonder how he got lost. Hopefully he'll get in the right hands. Did you see the note "If the dog you are viewing is a Rottweiler, Pit Bull Terrier, German Shepherd, Doberman Pinscher, Boxer, or Great Dane, Paulding County Animal Control will require a fence check before the dog can be adopted". They don't know the ability of a Basenji to escape.
Mr. Nobarkus: I think they are more concerned with aggression than escape. The breeds listed are supposedly "notorious" for biting. Although I would question the Boxer and Great Dane. Perhaps in their case it's "fear factor."
I will be watching Ms. Vicki and Ms. B-mamma work their magic with this little B-boy…I just know they will get him some help.:)
I visited the Basenji at the shelter this afternoon - Dallas is outside of Cobb County in Metro Atlanta.
The male is intact - 3-6 years old; he was picked up by animal control; he is very thin and has lost muscle tone; the boy has a naval hernia (is that what they are called?); his eyes are very golden brown; he is fairly good-natured considering his condition and the small crate he is being housed in at the shelter; I was able to touch him all over his body without him growling or being upset with me; he is understandably stressed and he yodeled a lot when we visited. (We both yodeled and he seemed impressed I know how to Basenji yodel!!) The boy isn't available until Thursday at noon - the shelter has to wait a specified number of days giving his owner a chance to claim him. It is unlikely he will be claimed!
Dallas is 2-1/2 hours from my home and it was heartbreaking to leave there today.
The shelter is short-handed and their budget is tight. The shelter doesn't do any applicant screening, so someone who thinks he is "cute," and isn't Basenji savvy can adopt him. Their policy is first-come-first-serve.
I have contacted the Basenji coordinator in GA and hope she receives my email. If anyone can speed up this process, please do.
My gut feeling is the boy wouldn't fit in with my six dogs. I suspect the Basenji has been living outside. I think he is absolutely worth saving and would be a great companion. I see him being like AJ. That is a good thing!
Someone, please, do your magic and get this boy into rescue.
Vicki, why don't you feel he would fit in with your other dogs?
Vick, I don't know anything either..sorry. I hope that Ann contacted the right peeps for Georgia, so this boy can get a chance on life.
I've decided, with the advice and help of many of my rescue friends, to pay Basenji boy's adoption fee and sign the contract on Thursday morning, if he hasn't been pulled. Basenji boy can live here where it is warm and safe, one of my vet's has offered to support the B's vetting, and I've been advised by a very smart lady where I can find a wonderful trainer that is 15 minutes from my home. That sad little fellow has been on my mind all day.
I've decided, with the advice and help of many of my rescue friends, to pay Basenji boy's adoption fee and sign the contract on Thursday morning, if he hasn't been pulled. Basenji boy can live here where it is warm and safe, one of my vet's has offered to support the B's vetting, and I've been advised by a very smart lady where I can find a wonderful trainer that is 15 minutes from my home. That sad little fellow has been on my mind all day.
Vicki, maybe once you get him straightened out medically you can find him a good home if you do not think he will fit in. Sounds like you have a great Vet if they are willing to help out. Can you explain more about why the trainer is needed?
One of the biggest problems is that when you get a soft spot in your heart for a dog in need, you want to adopt all of them. Miranda and I have a very hard time when we go to a shelter as I am sure Sharron and others do as well.
Ms. Vicki, you are the greatest! I've been thinking about this boy since you posted him. It's really cool you're giving your time and experience to rehome him properly. With your patience and the assistance of your wagging-tailed brood, you should have him turned around in no time!:)
Hey, tomorrow's Thursday…any word on this boy?