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Shock collar training

Basenji Training
  • IMO = In my opinion

  • I have done rescue for 100 yrs…or it seems like.
    I have to tell you puppies are such work...even more than rescue dogs.
    Rescue dogs can/do have issues, but mostly, if the owner is open to getting the dog into a basic gentle obedience class, it can work wonders to help the basenji learn to "talk" to the does help human and dog communication.
    Some dogs need more work than others..and when you start on a training program..everyone has to be on board. B's are smart enough to ignore something they don't want to listen to...and often they will get WORSE when your on the right track, because they want to test you to see if its going to stick.
    I have done a lot of classes, re dogs behavior and often its pretty hard to miss clue your given. We use tapes so we can watch and rewatch. BUT if your having issues, a pack of b's who are in a settled home, ie a breeder or a good dog park where the dogs are social, well, honestly, it can work wonders...again..just my opinion.

  • There are a lot of extreme opinions out there on this issue. I am a public adjuster by trade, I fight insurance companies for a living, this gives me a sensitive eye for bias. I read the screeds against shock collars and I tend to agree with the sentiment underlying them. However, I believe that the people who authored these papers were against them from the beginning root, tree and branch. Opinions like this are nearly worthless.

    I was severely beaten as a child and it negatively impacted my life. I have a seven year old daughter who has never felt my hand. When we walk our dog I see people constantly hitting their dogs to correct them. I don't.. NOT EVER. If you are against shock collars on principle then I understand your bias.

    I would love to have the luxury of the gentle art conversation to talk Pharaoh out of biting the hell out of my daughter, my wife, my guests, or the little kid at the park who ignored him. This guy can cut a squirrel in half on the run. He needs to know his limits now.

    I will cheerfully employ any positive reinforcements suggested to restrain him from biting people. I intend to make this course of therapy short but effective. I do not intend to employ this technique on misdemeanors. Only biting.

    However I do need a means of stopping him in the act…NOW. My research has indicted that the shortest path to stopping this behavior is the collar.

    If you are reading this and are serious about stopping people from using shock collars then I would suggest you take some of your time to write a definitive guide to raising a Basenji pup that won't bite people. I searched in vain for any real solutions to this issue. This is by far the most incredible dog I have ever known. Every forum on this page that starts off about biting ends in recriminations and sniping. Good for some peoples egos.. Does nothing to stop the biting.

  • Sharon, you have hit at the heart of the problem we have, no consistency, and a strong willed Basenji. i just need something that every one can employ for biting now that he has started to mature. My hope is the collar will act a s negative reinforcement to help him realize it is serious. i have no attention of zapping him for his many other sins.

  • The Evergreen Basenji Club
    has a manual that I suggest for anyone getting a basenji puppy. Its a great workbook.
    its $10 and full of wonderful information.
    It might give you some ideas on how to work on this issue…or not...again, just a suggestion.

  • We ordered it when we got the puppy- got it eight weeks after, please don't go there with my wife present-she will go ballistic.
    All of the information appeared to have been cut and pasted from online sources. We were switching banks and she had to keep the account open until we could convince someone at evergreen to cash the check. We threw the manual away after flipping through it once. We had ten books by that time and had gone through two trainers. I took a lot of procedural hits on that one.

  • redvelvetlynx, My daughter did expect a magic puppy. He was a biter from the start. I wanted a female but our breeder convinced the girls that a boy would bond with Svetlana better. He intimidates her terribly and she is the root of the problem. I hear about the bites minutes later. My daughter just cries softly, until someone notices. Then it is too late to correct him. However he cheerfully bites the hell out anyone who ignores him, including me. I fear for any intruders life. He goes ballistic when any one enters our yard. I wanted the bigger brother but our breeder said he wasn't for a first time Basinji owner..imagine if I had got him.

  • Thylacine, how long have you had this puppy? Have you talked to the breeder about his behavior?

  • Using 'Dominance' To Explain Dog Behavior Is Old Hat
    ScienceDaily (May 25, 2009) — A new study shows how the behaviour of dogs has been misunderstood for generations: in fact using misplaced ideas about dog behaviour and training is likely to cause rather than cure unwanted behaviour. The findings challenge many of the dominance related interpretations of behaviour and training techniques suggested by current TV dog trainers.

  • several times-nothing really constructive. He has only one really bad trait. i understand that you can get a lot of very poor short term results with shock collars. But he is dangerous enough that I need to have the means to stop it at once. I have no intention of using this collar for any other behavior modification. I see no other use for these tools.

  • One line that might be of interest to you and this discussion from the site I sent.

    In our referral clinic we very often see dogs which have learnt to show aggression to avoid anticipated punishment

    So please, be very careful whatever method you decide to use on your dog.

  • Thylacine, I feel for you in your frustration and understand that you are at your wits end. I hope you will find the solution for your family and your new boy to coexist in a family type environment. Please let us know how it goes.

  • I agree mostly about this research on dominance-I read the article some time ago. However most of Pharaohs problems DO stem from dominance. He is after the number the number 1 slot not number 2, he regards Svetlana as his junior. having a junior is his basis for taking over the pack. It took my wife months two earn her position above him. He recognizes me as 1. I can take stolen meat from him-Think roast chicken stolen off of the high table when he was 3 months- no one else can.

  • Sharon, I appreciate your concern and respect your advice. My intention is to only use the collar to stop biting. I have no intention to use it for general behavior problems. He is at the point where he could be easily put down for a bite. Assuming there is no alternative to the collar and that it is going to be part of his life for the next two months how would you recommend that I use it along with positive reinforcement so that I can make this lesson short and effective? I would despair of seeing him wearing this thing a year from now.

  • Thylacine, your pup is only 7 months old yes?
    Have you considered that maybe this breed isn't the one for you?
    I know this sounds like a slam, and I don't mean it to be…many good folks get b's and find they can't live with them..
    That is why rescue is in business.
    If you find the the dog doesn't fit your family, there is no shame in contacting rescue and talking to them.
    Honestly, you will find that once a dog doesn't fit your family, and you rehome it, the stress in your lives will be removed. There is no shame it in.

  • I am deeply offended. You are a complete moron Sharon. Good bye Basenji forum. This place is only about cute stories not solutions.

  • Does any body know how to quickly disengage from this forum? It is a complete waste of time-apparently ran by the evergreen basenji club,order their basenji guide if you want to gauge their organization. All form and no function.

  • I know I'm a little late getting in, so I have to ask. Have you already gotten your dog neutered? I am not thrilled about shock collars, but I know they have their purpose.I also don't agree with many people on some situations, but please stick around as I'm sure you'll still find this forum a useful tool in the future.

  • I agree, So there is one thing you don't agree on..with some people, so what. Please don't throw the forum out, as it is a huge source of information, knowledge and fun little tidbits. Since you already looked into using an e-collar, give it a shot, see if it helps.

  • Oh, another question. Are you new to dog ownership? What pets have you had in the past?

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