Partial quote from Vanessa… "On another note though....not too long ago he was asleep on the couch and my Aunt tried to move him. He about bit her. Has anyone else experienced that???? He tends to make deep moaning sounds if you wake him and try to move him. You don't see teeth but it sure sounds bad.".....
Not to make light of the situation, but I laughed my 'a' off at this part of your post. My Ty, when tired, lays down, is covered up, and is determined he is not to be disturbed until HE'S READY!! When trying to move him, the warning grumbling starts in the throat, then progresses to the chest. Then you get the lip curl followed by the viper like strike toward the nearest hand. After the first or second 'strike' I actually put my hand in the way of his perceived aggressive behavior. HE WAS FAKING IT!!!! It was all smoke and mirrors for him.
He NEVER intended to bite, he was just trying to be a big fat bully.
He still grumbles when we move him while sleeping, but he's just stating his displeasure now. We live with it.