So a very worrying day yesterday. The vet saw a large spike in white blood cells… so he figured infection, but he also didn't want to miss a bowl obstruction.... hence X-rays.. and then contrast X-rays. And fluids and injections of all kinds. IN the end, he wants to sterilize her (I got the nod from the breeder, yay) in case of a infection of the uterus... and he has been giving her medications for a bowl infection as well. We are going back in tomorrow for a further consult and to review all the Xrays etc. She still isn't really eating her super bland diet, but drinking fine. ... the worst part was hearing her screaming from her cage in the vet office when I was across the street. I had to bring back some papers to the vet and leave again listening to her screaming.. ugh.
BUT one thing to make you all smile... my dear vet, who only has one other Basenji patient decided to put Lycia in a cloth pop-up crate... HEHEHEHHEEH.. I'm sure you all can imagine.. she made short work of that and was running for freedom around the vet office. By the time I got here, the nurses were happy to give her back to me.
Total day's cost for the "responsible owner" $6000 dollars.