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Tail curl

Basenji Talk
  • Ruby's tail is a donut (not curled tightly at all, just flips over her back). Her tail uncurls whenever she lies down. Brando's tail is the tight cinnamon bun…once in a while it uncurls all but one curl when he is super relaxed, but never fully.

  • @pufferlover:

    Darwin keeps his coiled most of the time. He lets it droop when he's getting a particularly good belly rub and when he's otherwise relaxed.

    I must say, Darwin is an AWESOME name for a b. Nice choice! :)

  • Kiya's tail can uncurl and you can lay it flat against her back. Its kinda funny yet it curls nice and tight.

    Chance's tail curl is really tight just like a roll. I've tried to uncurl it and as it uncurls near the base it kinks in the bone and you can't uncurl it anymore. It's permanently curled. Im sure it would hurt him if I tried to straighten it.

  • I have 2 Basenji's. Roxie's tail is very limber and it will go straight when she sleeps or when he is frightened. Gracie has a very rigged tail, it tries to go straight when she sleeps and when he is scared, but there is always a curl at the end.

  • Always curled, unless she is trying to chase it!

  • Zippy has an "Avongara Butt" so a looser tail curl. I have to thank yodeldogs for that term, love it…
    Her tail definitely relaxes more often and uncurls farther than Riley's does. It's also significantly shorter.

  • My little guy has about a turn and a half so it can uncurl all the way but he only does that when he is super relaxed or asleep. His tail does this curl-uncurl spring when he is really running outright.

    Curious that some people mentioned their b's uncurl their tails when frightened or upset. I've never seen Beegin do that. He will throw his hackles up and pull his ears almost straight back parallel to his nose when he is spooked. It is so neat to hear about the differences between b's.

  • Indy uncurls most of his tail but the last 1/4 most of the time even when he is resting it is curled. But he uncurls the rest (he has a tight cinabun tail i call it) whenever he feels like it

  • We have two from the same litter whose tails barely curl a complete 360 and will go totally satraight when they relax. THey look like little foxes. The third one makes 2 complete loops and some and the last bit cannot be straigtened at all. It does feel like some fused bones.

  • Ty always has his tail curled. The more excited, the tighter the curl (and the higher the burr on the back). He has an almost 2-1/2 curl, straight over the back (doesn't fall left or right). Even when sleeping he still has at least a 1 1/2 curl. Kate has an almost 1 1/2 curl….when she flat out runs or is sleeping, no curl at all. Looks more like a rudder than a tail!!!

  • Kiora keeps her tail curled most of the time. Sometimes if she is relaxed it will uncurl at the base bit the tip stays tightly coiled. It looks like a fluffy pigs tail then.

  • @mauigirl:

    Zippy has an "Avongara Butt" so a looser tail curl. I have to thank yodeldogs for that term, love it…
    Her tail definitely relaxes more often and uncurls farther than Riley's does. It's also significantly shorter.

    Ha Avongara Butt. :D

    Actually Zaire does too. Though I would say to be more precise, she has a good mix of the Avongara and earlier American B tail. It is a curl and a half and tits very nicely to her side but man when she is either relaxed or running it is almost completely straight (Just a little tiny curl at the very end)

  • Jayden and Cory have pretty tight curls and Jayden can wear his on the right sie or left side. Sometimes Jayden's tail looks like a cinnabon lying on top of his butt. When they are relaxed, their tails go fairly straight. The last little crook in the tip of the tail is the only part that never straightens.


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